Monday, December 13, 2010

Weekend Update..

This past weekend was SO busy, I honestly couldn't get the energy to even get online, let alone post on here.. so I figured I'd just do a weekend review for everyone..

By this time, the snow in Southern Indiana had been going for a bit, but nothing too much.. so I left for work, and got there 20 minutes early.. lol.. and the day went pretty smooth.. I even stuck with my food that I brought with me.. I did add two spoons of ice cream, but I had enough points left over for it..  After coming home, 35 minutes late (which I am okay with because it's going on this coming paycheck.. lol), I ate split pea with ham soup.. I <3 this stuff during the winter.. and usually I hate peas.. Idk, but it's wonderful..  At the end of the night, I went over my points by 1.. and I'm okay with that.. because I got to enjoy my food, and I have my weekly points.. :)

Holy cow, by the morning, it was crappy driving all around.. I at least paid attention to the fact that my little rear-wheel drive truck will need more time to drive, so I left early and still got there early.. lol.. almost missed my turn off though, from not slowing down enough.. but Sunday was a doozy.. my clients had family coming in for about 3 hours, which is awesome.. I really enjoy their family.. which is good, since I just found out I may have to spend Christmas with them.. :(   But I did good eating all day.. UNTIL I was there 2 hours later, and starving.. I didn't want to eat a whole meal (because they don't really have anything healthy in the house), so I grabbed a tube of Ritz.. I should have known better.. by this time, I was pissed off, hungry, sporting a huge headache (because I'm a doofus who forgot to take my Paxil).. and I wanted to go home.. so I ate the WHOLE DAMN THING!  Well, shit!  I finally got to go home 4 HOURS after I was supposed to.. at 11pm.. Did I mention that it took me an hour to get home?!  I was just so relieved to get home that I just literally changed into pj's and went to bed.. lol

So, I woke up today to more snow (yay me.. insert sarcasm here).. and I knew I wouldn't be able to make it anywhere, so I called my work and they arranged for me to start my new client tomorrow.. YAY!!  So I don't have to go to work today!!  Only bad thing about this is that I'm not going down for Zumba.. :(   I'm actually sad about this.. I may just hijack my dad's truck (he has 4 wheel drive) and go down there.. who knows.. But it's 11:30 right now, and I haven't eaten yet.. wondering what my mom is fixing for lunch and if I can eat it.. lol

I plan to update my blog a little today.. Like posting the award I won!  More on that later too.. and fixing my blog all Christmas-like.. :)   Hope you all are having a marvelous Monday! 


  1. I don't know if I missed it in the beginning...what do you do for work that you might have to work Christmas?

    It's good that you packed ahead. It's hard when you are late somewhere to be able to stay ontrack - maybe keep an emergency energy/granola bar in your purse for those times.

    I hope you can get to Zumba!

  2. I will take some of that snow off your hands! -- Seriously, send me pictures I am going to post them all on my blog later this week and link back! :o)
