Monday, November 22, 2010

Food-filled Holidays..

As we all know, the last 3 months of the year are celebrated with lots of FOOD!  

Black Friday (because who eats good food when you are up at 3am?!)
and can't forget New Year's Eve, a night where our diets consist of all liquids!

And as we go about our life-changing ways, most (not all, but most) of us will get side-tracked in some way, shape or form.. Is it better to know this going into the Holiday season?  Is it really helping us to just say "Eh, I knew I'd gain ____ pounds, it's okay"?  Honestly, I know I will probably do this.. and that scares me, because I did that with my birthday, and I gained 5 pounds.. which isn't cool!  So what can we do to keep ourselves accountable during this food-filled holiday season?!  

** Don't give yourself any excuses**
Just because it's Halloween (there's candy year-round people) or Thanksgiving (focus on the people you only see once a year, not the turkey you can have ANY time), doesn't mean that we should go all out and gorge ourselves.. 

** Pay attention to what you put in your mouth**
It's so easy to get to talking to someone and not realize that you've been munching on half a bowl of M&M's.. 

** Eat only until your satisfied**
I think it's natural instinct to try to eat until we are full.. some of us have had times where we don't know when our next meal will be.. but if that is not the case, don't eat until you have to unbutton that button (because that ain't attractive on ANYONE).. 

I hope that these tidbits help you, as I hope they'll help me too.. Now onto the fun question of the day..

What is the one food tradition you WILL NOT give up during this Holiday season??

Mine is Hershey's Goodnight Kisses Hot Cocoa Mix.. We drink this on Christmas Eve night while we settle down after our Christmas with my Grandma Betty.. One packet of this is 3 points.. but it has mini hershey's kisses in the hot cocoa, so I'm DEFINITELY okay with drinking 3 pts.. lol..


  1. HaHa!! Amazing!

    Oh -- another way to prove we are function on the same brain wave... I also want to go to NKOTBSB!!! Last night was HOTTT!!! :)

  2. OMG!! I totally forgot about Black Friday! We always grab and go!!! Love this post!!

  3. oooh. I've never tried it. It sounds delicious. :-)
