Thursday, March 24, 2011

Low Carb No More..

This one is a little allover the place.. so bear with me.. lol

After staying under my calories yesterday, I looked again at my breakdown of calories.. I went from a low carb diet to a diet FULL of carbs.. How in the world did I live on a low-carb diet?!  I ate over 200 grams of carbs yesterday.. and today I have already eaten 80 grams.. what?!

Today is my "d-day".. I hope my ankle withstands my run later.. I'm scared it won't.. But I'm hopeful.. :)

I'm looking into the PB2 that Vegan Chick Pea had told me about..  It's got less fat and calories than regular peanut butter.. But you have to order it in a 4 pk, and I don't have the money to get it until next week (it's like 15 for a 4 pk).. I hope it tastes edible (I'm okay with it tasting different).. lol..

Anyone ever had a deep tissue massage?  They hurt a little, but usually in a good way.. and my massage last week was just that.. and I've got the bruises to prove it.. ugh!  I've noticed bruises in the weirdest places, like on the side of my thigh, the middle of my calf, on the top of my wrist.. and I can only explain them with the massage.. Honestly, as good as if felt, I prolly will never get a deep tissue one again.. lol


  1. You can go to the PB2 website and it will tell you places, locally, that carry it. I bought mine at my gym. It's much cheaper (in my opinion) to do it that way.

  2. I'm a carbaholic, I don't know how you were doing it!! hehe. and that massage sounds a bit painful, I like the swedish and ask them not to be so rough! :)

  3. Carbs are essential... try Body For Life, 12 week challenge:

    I'll even send you a copy of the book if you want...


  4. I love a good deep tissue massage! I know it hurts but it is so worth it!

    Good luck with your run!

  5. I always feel beat up after a deep tissue massage. You'll really reap the benefits in the next week. I notice in the mornings that I feel less stiff and better rested.
