Monday, March 14, 2011

Please help!

Okay, so I'm having a teeny crisis.. well, I say teeny, but it could make or break this weight loss journey I have been on..

So you all say I'm honest with you, so here's my honesty for the day.. I'm so tired, I'm moody, and I just ate a croissant!!  AND I LOVED EVERY BITE!!  I miss bread.. and the more I think about it, I'm not sure the Atkins plan is something I can do at this point in my life..

Atkins requires you to cook.. Right now, I am eating a lot of canned tuna, lunch meat (deli and pre-packaged), cheese, and canned STUFF (everything else I eat).. I don't cook!  I don't have the time to cook on my own.. I cook at my clients house (and that's prolly the only time I do), and my mom cooks stuff for me at random (like tonight I have a big steak waiting for me).. but that's not enough to make this healthy and work..

I am never home during the week.. Monday thru Friday afternoon, I basically sleep at home.. maybe veg out for about an hour or two.. that's it.. and I don't wanna spend my small amount of free time to cook.. then there's my short attention span.. I can't sit there making sure I'm not burning something by turning it every 5 minutes or whatever..

So where does this leave me???  I am NOT giving up.. Hell no!  That's not even an option, but I'm confused as to how I can do this.. not everyone else.. ME!  So this is where you all come in.. How do you lose weight?!  I know I read lots of blogs, but some of you all are strangers to me.. so please!  blurb away!  :)

I'm thinking about calorie counting and following a Atkins/WW inspired way of eating (high protein/low carbs/high veggies and fruit).. but I am afraid of not losing weight.. that's what this all boils down to.. What if I change this AGAIN, and I maintain..... or HELL, WHAT IF I GAIN!  AGH!!

Oh, and to those strangers I was talking about.. if I don't current follow you, or you are recently new, please leave me your blog address and I'll drop by (and more than likely follow you too!)  :)



  1. Personally, I thought it was very brave of you to do Atkins. I think it is a difficult approach to weight loss. I calorie count and use My Fitness Pal ( its free and breaks everything, literally everything down for you! I love it! You gotta do what feels comfortable and works for you.

  2. Maybe a mix of the plan with calorie counting would be just what you need. You need to do what makes you feel good and what works for YOU!

  3. Language: English (change)

    I agree that using what little time you have to prep food is not anyone's idea of a fun night, but honestly it is the only way that you will know exactly what you are eating. I have found the easiest way is to "cook " about every 3 days. I will take an hour and prep everything I will need for 3 days. I cut up all my veggies, pre pack them into daily portions. Wash my fruit. I will make 1 or 2 main dishes (like soup or spelt burgers, cook chicken ect....Pack each meal up individually and then I just grab and go for the next 3 days. This way you aren't doing it every night. It is a pretty minimal commitment if you think about what you get from it. I know it is tough but it must be done! I think this is one of the main things I have done that has helped me loose 60 lbs all together.....Good luck...It was not a major fail just a small bump in the road!

  4. I lost quite a bit of weight on Atkins in high school and didn't cook much - I lived on salads pretty much... that being said I haven't been able to do it again because it's SO hard to upkeep.

    I started Gluten-Free today, but if you don't have time to cook, this would be impossible for you!

    I think with healthy living cooking needs to be a huge component, so maybe you can cook for a few hours on the weekend and freeze portions?

    I'm in Katie's challenge too - I believe we're competition in the North!

  5. I don't follow a diet at all. I cannot stick to them and I end up getting frustrated. So instead I just eat whatever I like but in moderation and try my best to be sensible about what I choose to eat. Obviously eating chocolate, cakes, full sugar sodas, burgers etc isn't healthy so I try and limit how much I eat/drink of that and try my best to eat healthier foods like yoghurts, weight watcher cakes, diet sodas, lean mince burgers etc. I also try hard to exercise on a regular basis i.e. walking, going to the gym etc.

  6. I'm basically doing the same thing Tim is but I do track my food on and try to keep my calories around 1500 - 1800 depending on the day. Some days are higher than others but it gives me a ballpark range.

    Because I am still breast-feeding I also sometimes have higher days than that too but once I stop - then my range will be lower.

  7. I tried the Atkins a few years ago, well more like 10 years ago and it was just too complicated for me. I like the have freedom with what I eat and I think that's why I have never stuck at a diet. I hate being told to eat a beetroot and lettuce sandwich for lunch or that I can't have bread on this day and so on - you get the picture. I like fat secret ( It's a lot like weight watchers, but you count calories instead of points and fat secret is totally free as well. There are challenges and groups to join and heaps of motivation out there.

    I think the main thing that helps me lose weight - well maintaining at the moment - is reading blogs like yours. I love reading about the day to day adventures of everyone and how they are going on the fitness / lifestyle journeys. It just keeps me going.

    I know you won't give up because that is not who you are, you are a strong and determined woman who will achieve what ever you want to do.

  8. Hi...I've been following your blog for some time now. I enjoy reading what you share with others because you seem to keep it real. Your not afraid to try things, not afraid to open up, and not afraid to ask for suggestions. I, like one of the others, admire that you were giving the adtkins diet a try. Years ago a friend had done the plan and it worked well for him. For me however, not so much. I totally hate having limitations on what I can eat (because I totally love to eat)!

    I follow the weight watchers program. For ME it fits well into my life. It's a life style change that allows me to eat the things I enjoy whenever I want: as long as I'm willing to write the points down. I've never felt deprived (although I do have pity party days-one was where I said I wanted a haystack but wasn't willing to part with the points needed to eat it). Following/learning the new points plus program isn't as hard as many think...But I am a numbers person so maybe it's easier for me. I've been on the program 25 weeks and have lost each week (highest loss was 3.4 lbs, lowest loss was .2) for a total of 33 lbs and dropped 2 full sizes and about ready to go into the next lower size. I'm not sure if you read my blog or not but I can be found at my blog is called A Journey to a New Me.

    Good luck.

  9. It's great that you wanna improve your health and don't wanna give up! And it's good that you recognized that Atkins might not be for you right now.

    Maybe do half-Atkins. Like... use the Atkins principles, but incorporte bread. You can still have a healthy lifestyle of food with bread in your diet.
