Monday, January 24, 2011


Is it sad that I actually had to count out how many "chs" there are in that song?!  lol.. I don't do things half-assed (well, I try not to anyways).. Which leads me to my main point of this entry.. I'm changing up my plans.. again..

I've noticed that I am not going in the right direction.. which is of course, down.. I have decided that I am going back on the Adkins diet.. And before I get too many comments on how bad it is for me, or how unhealthy it is, let me say this.. I know that the typical way of doing it isn't the healthiest.. and I do NOT intend to stay on it permanently.. I couldn't live like that.. but I can't live with all this fat on my body, and if this is the only thing I do that makes it come off, I'm going to do it..

I don't know if I'm just crazy, or if it has to do with my ADHD, but I have to have some restrictions on my eating.. so the no-carb thing (and then the low-carb thing) works for me.. It helps me kick my appetite back to where it should be, it helps me not CRAVE junk (aka bread, mashed potatoes, and ice cream), and it helps me get back to where my brain needs to be, weight-loss wise.. eating healthy foods over not-so-healthy foods..

Not sure if I've said this before, but I am not a big red meat fan.. yeah, it's good, but I have to eat it with lots of ketchup because I just don't love the taste.. I'm big on chicken, fish, turkey and pork.. the only time I ever eat steak is when I'm out which, as you all know, I don't do very often anymore.. lol

Of course, this change isn't happening until Friday.. so I'm on a mission to eat as much of my fruit, yogurt, and smoothies as possible by Friday.. lol..


Onto work changes.. well, I went to my morning client today and found out that on Saturday, she went back to St. Louis, and they forgot to call my company.. :(   BUT, I am now watching their two little kiddos (they are totally adorable) for $200 a week (non-taxed, of course).. yay!  I love watching kids.. I love to get down and play on their level.. Coloring is my favorite thing (which I hear a lot of ADHD-ers are the same way, something about being calming).. and the mom is all about developmental stuff, so it shouldn't be boring!  Woop woop!  Only bad thing is that I now have to change my W-4 witholdings so that I don't end up owing taxes because of this.. but I planned to do that anyways with my state witholdings..

Okay, work boring-ness is over.. lol


Question of the day for ya:

What is one HEALTHY food that you could eat ALL THE TIME and never get sick of??

Mine is raspberries!  I love them!  They are so tart and juicy.. I could eat my body weight in them and not be sick of them.. lol


  1. Strawberries. Or Peppers. Not together, of course!

  2. Watermelon, oranges, cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. Strawberries - I will eat so many that I give myself a tummy ache!

  4. Bananas and pretty much any berry!! I did the frozen banana "soft serve" last night and it was tasty, so I did the same thing with the frozen strawberries and a splash of milk and then drizzled it with 1/2 tsp of chocolate sauce and it tasted like a sundae. Definitely doing that again!

    ps - I would have counted the ch's too.

  5. I could eat strawberries and peaches ALL the time. Too bad they're both out of season!

  6. Grape tomatoes-I ate 10 tonight...oh and turkey pepperoni! Somehow I don't think that is a great thing. ;-)

    Polar's Mom

  7. Cuties - as long as they are ripe and juicy. Also, ones - seedless.

  8. Mine would be Shakeology, as long as I can change up the things I add to it. I have at least one every single day. :)
    As far as the Adkins goes, it's a good plan, just be careful not to workout too much on it..just like one normal workout a day should do it. Carbs give you energy and your body will feel like it's starving and will retain weight if you overwork yourself. But you've got it girl. You know what you want and you're going to succeed! :) Can't wait to see how it goes for you!
