Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quick post..

I just updated my Mini-goals page (used to be titled Incentives).. check it out, if ya want..

I'm also looking for ideas for certain mini-goals, as I can only shop so much.. lol.. so please email me or message me with ANY ideas.. this may be blasphemous (being a girl and all) but shopping for clothes gets old quickly..

and my question for you all tonight is about my 30 lb mini-goal.. What distance/pace tracker do you use, if any?  Heard any bad reviews of any?  any good reviews?  I was going to get the NikeID, but as my shoes aren't Nikes, I think that is out..  Anyone ever heard of the OMRON GOsmart Distance and Pace Tracker??  I found that one online, may look for more info on it too..

Off to go read some more blogs and do some looking for mini-goal ideas from others.. :)


Did I mention how excited I am that NKOTBSB is coming to Louisville, KY?!  Seriously, they just added this date recently, and tickets go onsale in 11 days!  I'm so saving money for these!  I WILL SEE THEM IN CONCERT IN JULY!!


  1. HEY!! Your coming to see me!! Get moving lady!! =)

  2. I also need to set up some mini goal incentives..
    I am NOT at the clothes buying stage yet..I am at the beginning of my winter and all my jeans now fit and last winter none fit but one. Now I have like 18 pairs. Some are getting too big. This time next year I wont be able to wear any of them and that is kinda sad since I really like some of my clothes!
    I am wondering come summer if my shorts from last summer will fit?
    I dont work..So my clothes consit of stuff to wear at home and on date night.Dont get me wrong I love clothes. But when it comes to setting up goals. Clothes are not my first choice!
    But I have not set up any. So I am not sure yet.
    But I will let you know when I come up with some!
    Do you have any hobbies? Maybe add to your hobby!
    I feel pretty blessed at haveing what I need..
    So coming up with other stuff?? Huummmm
    I will have to think about this one

  3. I made a rewards page a few days ago, but I too need a few ideas. Maybe one of mine might interest you? I didn't even think about bras and panties! I am sure I'll need new ones after 80 pounds! I am going to add that to my page!

  4. Good idea for the mini goals, I haven't thought of anything for that yet.

    What about a mani/pedi?

  5. BWB, I do pedis on a monthly basis already, as I've learned in my work taking care of your feet is important.. lol

    But thanks for the idea. :)

  6. You should check out Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I joined the site, and they're having an awesome challenge - filled with weekly mini challenges. Doesn't really help with incentives, but they have cool giveaways for participating. :)


  7. What about something like a spa day/massage or something which will leave you feeling good i.e. getting your nails professionally done or going to an expensive hairdresser etc.
