Monday, January 24, 2011

Learn from my mistakes..

I'm not sure how today's date escaped my memory, but on this date, 3 years ago, my wonderful 26-year-old cousin was taken from this world.. WAY TOO SOON!  I'm sure her now almost-4-year-old will agree with that statement..

You never know how long you have with a person.. and I wish I could go back and do the things I wish we'd have done.. but unfortunately we were never as close as we probably could have been (seeing as we're only 2 years apart).. I guess that's what happens when you don't grow up with extended family, but I had 13 years to try and yet I didn't.. :(

jesy (on left) and me circa 1988

I know that she loved me, as I will always love her and cherish the memories I have of her.. but a little part of me will always wish I had more memories WITH her.. most of the pictures I have are of us as children.. and none of them are of us as adults (aka over the age of 21), even though we saw eachother every Christmas..

Lesson to learn from this?!  Don't take advantage of time.. you never know how little of it there is until it's too late.. Tell those people you love how you feel.. Don't wait til tomorrow, because tomorrow is promised to noone..


  1. So sorry to hear about your cousin. What you say in this post is so true. I wish more people learned from other's mistakes.

  2. I learned that same lesson too. It's never easy! **Hugs**

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Very true, you never know how much time you have...

  4. Sorry to hear about your loss Sarah.

