Monday, January 3, 2011

Looking for the future..

One of my goals for 2011 is to get a newer vehicle.. and I am definitely looking now.. lol

I've basically got my specifics down to a T:
** Newer than 2005 **
** Power options **
** 4 Doors **
** Ford or Chevy **

That's basically all my specifics.. yeah, I'd love to be super picky and say that I want it to have under $50,000 miles on it, but I will make sure it has decent miles for the money I pay..  Now I just have to save some money between now and mid-Feb, and get my tax check of course.. lol

I've looked around, as I have some crappy credit (I blame it on my hereditary credit card issues, and MANY $$ mistakes during my college years), I have only a few options of where to go to get financing.. it's either buy here, pay here or a financing place that has a "no application turned down" policy..  I can afford a $400 payment, if it's worth it.. I just have to find the right car for the right money.. :)

I'm looking now so I can make an appointment with an insurance friend so she can tell me my price range for certain makes of cars (if that's possible).. I want to make sure I don't get a car I can't afford insurance for.. lmao.. that'd suck.. especially in my line of work..  Speaking of work, I'm off to do some laundry.. and then look up more car dealerships in the Louisville-Metro area.. :)


  1. I have crappy credit too! Young, stupid, and boyfriends! You will figure it out!

  2. I wish you the best of luck with your purchase! New cars are so fun! I am a late bloomer and didnt buy my first vehicle until 2005 and it was an 03, then I just traded her in for a 2010. But I was a total brat when it comes to prices! Just know, they can always do better than what they say!! ;) I sat at the dealer for almost 4 hrs, until I got the price I wanted ;)

  3. That is great that you are looking ahead of time. Planning for something like this is really helpful! Then you aren't looking at something you can't afford.

  4. If you have ANY questions about car buying, feel free to ask Tyler, lol. ;-) It will give him an outlet- he tells me about it all the time and I'm not even looking right now!
