Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You all are wonderful..

You really are.. I can't imagine doing this journey without all you being here with me.. Honestly, your comments made me cry (in a good way) and smile.. I am not sure what brought on last nights craziness, but it seems to happen from time to time.. I keep going and going, and then something makes me cry (tv show, movie, or commercial) and I just think of everything sad!

Yesterday was something that has been brewing inside my head for a while.. I hate that I feel the way I do, but I know that it is normal and that it really is something that I can conquer.. I know I will LOVE being thinner.. and I had totally forgotten that me and Blubeari had been talking about this "middle syndrome".. where you get to the point where you are about 1/3 of the way done, and you just don't have the same umph that you did in the beginning.. but I hope that I can get back on track.. :)

I am back to "normal" and I figured I'd crawl back to the computer and blog.. :) So, I did a bad thing.. I weighed myself about an hour ago.. I really think my scale is crazy.. or breaking.. because it said that I weighed 225.2 (which would be a 3 lb loss since Friday!)!! I'm hoping that this (or lower) will show on Friday at my WW meeting.. I'd love for the lady weighing me in to tell me I lost something.. instead of just handing me back my tracker..

I took yesterday and today off from the gym.. I don't feel good about it, but I am doing good things with the time, so I hope it won't derail me too much.. I do plan to get back tomorrow and Thursday.. But the good things I'm doing? Finding a certain pair of shoes, make smoothies for a few days in advance, get my room clean, catching up on blogs i follow.. among other things.. :)


  1. You are just as wonderful!! Shame on you for getting on the scale... however WOOOHOOO for the amazing loss! But still... shame (it really doesn't work does it? this whole scolding on great news? no it doesnt) Yay for a clean room too.... I so need some of that motivation...blah..I hate cleaning my room...

  2. Keep your head up girl. This was just a small rock to climb over on the way up the moutain.

  3. Shoes are always good news!!! Keep your head up, you'll be out of the middle soon!

    Polar's Mom

  4. What are your favourite smoothies you've made so far? I just got a smoothie maker and I want to make every smoothie in the world!
