Monday, January 3, 2011

End of the day wrap-up..

Well, today was DEFINITELY better than the weekend.. I went to Zumba right after work, and killed myself right next to Katie (and another sorority girl that I can't, for the life of me, remember her name.. I think it's Katherine?!).. I told her as we were leaving that I was never missing 2 weeks of Zumba AGAIN!!  EVER!!

I debated the whole ride home what to fix for dinner (as I don't eat until after I get home anyways now).. I decided to fix the chicken thing my client taught me how to make.. so easy, so simple.. and only 7 pointsplus!  WOOHOO!!  Smells yummy, looks yummy.. tastes even better!  I put that with 1/2 cup of canned corn (I hate that it's so empty of nutrition) and a whole can of green beans.. I <3 green beans!  lol

yummmmm.. I figured I'd make two (one for now, one for dinner tomorrow)..
I'm going to have to explore spices.. lol

chicken cooks for 25 minutes at 425.. then put the cheese and salsa ontop 
and cook for another 7ish minutes.. yummmm..

 Chicken, green beans, and corn!  it was gone pretty quickly..
Chicken is one of my favorite foods.. :)

Alright, so I'm off to go take a shower.. because I feel icky.. in a good way, i think.. lol..  And then I'm prolly gonna go to bed.. :)


Just a little apology from me.. I know I forget things that I've written on here, intending to tell y'all about when I "finish" it or whatever.. I am sorry.. I feel like sometimes I need to sit down and read my own blog to make sure I'm not leaving something out.. ;)    So if I said I was gonna do something, and I haven't.. I plan to fix that..
Tomorrow I am going to do my Michael Jackson game.. and sometime this week (prolly Friday) I AM doing my Zumba Wii game.. and I PROMISE to tell you all about them.. and more than likely post pics and maybe videos.. lmao

Oh, speaking of this, I decided to start my C25k tomorrow, as Monday's are never going to be running days, so why start out on one.. lol


  1. Looks yummy! Really colorful! I can't wait to hear what the Zumba game is like.

  2. This chicken dish is just my type of thing. I am going to put it on my menu for next week. I think the corn and green beans is a good pair with it too!

  3. That looks awesome! Can I come over and have some next time you make it?? LOL

    P.S - I had my first ever proper burrito the other day. Yum Yum Yum!!!
