Friday, January 14, 2011

So much to do..

and yet so little time to do it in..

That should be my slogan.. lol.. I find that I keep looking at the clock, thinking I'm late for something, but I'm not.. I have over 2 hours before I have to meet my friend, Morgan, and go to Denny's (more on that further down).. but first, I have SO much to fill ya in on.. good and bad..


For starters, my ticker is going to be changed.. I decided I am going to start this journey from "scratch" weight-loss wise.. why, you ask? because honestly, I haven't LOST anything since September, in all honesty.. Just gained and lost the same damn few pounds.. Which shows me I need to be honest with myself, and make it clear that while I've lost __ lbs, it's been FOREVER since I've lost any more.. ugh!

I weighed in this morning, and it said I'd gained 2.6 lbs (a weight of 228.2).. and that just ain't cool! I'm very disappointed in myself for letting this happen.. because I was the one who did it.. and yeah, it may very well be muscle (with all the exercise I did, I'm hoping it is), but I know that my eating wasn't as great as it should have been.. Yes, I'm still getting used to the new WW program, but I am lazy and it's not easy to fight something you are used to caving in to.. It's so easy to sit at the computer, watch tv, and eat MINDLESSLY (which I definitely do).. but I have to fight that.. HARD..

I've also decided to go with my WW weigh-in's, as I don't want to be discouraged when the scales don't equal each other.. so as of today, I "officially" weigh:

230.2 lbs


I am currently at school figuring out what the future is gonna hold.. I plan to graduate as soon as mentally possible, hopefully before 2013 (in case the world really does end in 2012).. I am seriously thinking I'm going to enlist in the Navy (not sure when exactly, but I do know it'll definitely happen when I reach ONEderland, if not before)..


I printed out a schedule that the Derby Festival put out for all the participants of the Mini-Marathon in April.. I'm sad that I missed the free training session on the 6th (it is free and you got a free t-shirt!), but I am actually pretty pumped at starting this schedule (with some tweaking, seeing as I am not running on weekends yet).. I hope I can follow it pretty much to the letter otherwise.. It seems pretty doable, as it gives Advanced, Intermediate, and Beginner amounts for running..

Hopefully by the end of this training, I will have a pace time that is closer to 11 minutes?! Keeping my fingers crossed.. :)


Okay, so Fridays are when I try to pack in all the fun I'm missing out on.. lol.. today is no different.. I have plans to me Morgan (one of my sorority sisters) at Denny's.. I am looking at my Dining Out guide as I write this and choosing my meal carefully.. :) And the great thing?! After I'm done eating, I am meeting Blubeari at Coffee Crossing, so we can go ICE SKATING! I can't wait! Especially after reading in Fitness magazine that ice skating burns almost as many calories as snow boarding! Seriously?! May have to make this a monthly thing.. if I don't fall too many times.. lol


Welp, that's it for now.. Sorry I'm not being good with my accountability pics.. I'm taking them, but forgetting to post them.. :(

How are you all doing? I'm about to go read and find out! :)


  1. OK, I'm catching you on your new slate...230. Ok, aren't you sick of the up and down? More than that, aren't you sick of trying to eat well, which means having NO fun eating, and still not having a loss to show for it? That is what gets me when I get in a rut-the fact that I HATE dieting, and want to get to where I want to be then I can maintain. Does that make sense?

    Polar's Mom

  2. I am totally up for more ice skating after this! (provided there aren't any disasters this time. :)) Especially since it's relatively cheap!!

  3. Sounds like you have a good plan in mind! Keep us posted!
