Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weight Loss TV..

Okay, so I was reading Blubeari's latest post.. and it reminded me about something I wanted to blog about..

What is with all the weight loss television shows lately?! And WHY do they have to be so GOOD!! lol

So I am like most people, and I love watching TV.. I love CSI:NY, The Good Wife, Hawaii Five-O, Castle (just to name a few).. and NOW, I am loving Biggest Loser, Heavy (new show on A&E), and I Used To Be Fat (new show on MTV).. I think there are a few more that are on (or will be starting soon), but I don't watch them yet.. But there is just something inspiring about some of these shows..

I agree with what BB said about they way they do things on BL isn't for "normal" weight loss, and it's still fun to watch them.. Heavy is really inspiring because they are just SO overweight, and they are doing it somewhat "normal".. and in I Used To Be Fat, they have trainers and SO much weight to lose in like 90(ish) days.. while this isn't normal, it's doable for anyone who has the money for a trainer..

But I like I Used To Be Fat more than any of them.. because they are closer to my age, and they are basically feeling like I do about my weight loss.. I want to live life, before I let it pass me by..

What about you? Do you watch weight loss shows? Do you think they inspire you? Gross you out?


  1. OMG I never even heard of these shows.... time to go program my DVR!!!

  2. Only one I know is Biggest Loser. The rest I will have to look more into!!

  3. I totally agree with you. I worry though that I get sucked in to all these weight loss shows and get stuck on the couch. When, in actuallity, I should be doing my workout and not watching tv. But they are so compelling and addictive.

  4. I am so addicted to weight loss shows! I don't have MTV - but I am watching Heavy now and it is really good. It makes me want to get a personal trainer! I wish I could afford it!

  5. I watch Biggest Loser religiously, and watched Heavy this week. I didn't like it as much as BL, but it was still pretty good.

    Biggest Loser really inspires me - I don't really think about how "unrealistic" it is...I take away that big results can be achieved if the work is put in. I LOVE IT!!
