Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Okay, so I forgot to blog my weight loss on Friday.. and then proceeded to have the worst weekend EVER!!  But I weighed in on Friday morning, and while it was a loss, I was kind of disappointed.. :( 

I'm now at 233.0 lbs!!

So I've lost a total of 17.7 lbs since I started.. and for not working out until yesterday, that's not bad.. yesterday was my first day back to the gym for good.. I am not going two months away from the gym again.. It can't happen.. So yesterday I went to the gym and walk/ran for 30 minutes.. 12.5 running, 17.5 walking.. and my body hurts in so many different places.. lol

But it was so worth it.. and today I'm going to the zumba class in a few minutes..  I've got to post pics of my before sometime soon, even if I don't want to.. lol.. what's the point of blogging if I don't want to see what I used to be, right?!  So I'm going to find one somewhere.. I'm sure I've got them all hidden somewhere.. 

Off I go to Zumba.. dance your ass off, indeed!  ;)

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