Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quick Update..

Thanks to all that have responded to my previous post.. even Trisha's hubby!  :)  I definitely agree it sounded a little desperate, and I guess I should have given a little back story to all of it, but hey, I was a little worried that I'd freak him out.. Well, I guess I didn't.. :)

sure....if im single again. right now im not, even tho it says single. 
thats just for a front, kinda. anyways i dont know y i 
just stopped talking to ya. u just gave me a vibe 
that u werent intesrested. sorry. 

Backstory: We've known eachother for years (he was my younger brother's friend back in middle school), and last June he found me on FB.. we started hanging out, and well, sparks flew.. we were both shocked at how much we liked eachother, and of course me being very unhappy with my body, I self-sabotaged it.. I had to know what we were doing, if we were dating, etc.. Can ya tell I'm not a big fan of the gray area?!?!?  lol..

But I figure I scared him off.. with good reason, but hey, we all make mistakes.. so, technically, we never made it to the bf/gf stage, so he's not really an ex.. more of a missed opportunity, so to speak.. AND this is not to say I will be waiting around for him to become single.. but seeing as I haven't had many options recently (or any at all.. lol), it's probably totally likely that I'll be single for a bit..

I'm really relieved that he answered the way he did.. I was worried that he'd be like NO WAY.. lol


  1. The backstory helps... glad he was cool :>

  2. like the new font much easier to read!

  3. well ok maybe its just my computer now its back to the old one lol...and maybe im blind ;)the pic at the top is always blurry to

  4. Hey, any step toward putting yourself out there is one that you should be proud of!
