Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quick Update..

As I sit here eating turkey/provolone roll-ups for breakfast (I'm so sick of eggs already), I wanted to give a quick update before I went to work.. I have been sticking to my diet really well, actually.. It's hard sometimes, but my willpower on THIS diet (versus WW) is so much stronger.. I've been packing my lunches, my dinners have been kinda higher in carbs (but still within the 20 grams for the day), but that's how I want it.. I like salsa too much with chicken to give it up.. lol

For about 10 days, I had to wear my yoga pants (when I wasn't in scrub pants).. Why?  Because I ate so much crap that my jeans stopped fitting.. not just looking good, they wouldn't zip up without a HUGE muffin top.. that was kind of my last straw.. I don't own any bigger pants anymore, and I sure as hell am not buying a pair.. But on Monday, they fit again!  With a little muffin top, but I'm used to that.. Hopefully after the two weeks they'll fit too well, or I will be in my 14's?  :)

Well, I'm off to go make my chef salad for lunch.. yummy!  Hope you all are having a great Wednesday.. I'll catch up with ya later tonight..


  1. I hate muffin top! It's always a good sign that I haven't been eating well! You'll be in those 14's in no time!

  2. Who doesn't hate muffin top!? Good for you for seeing that you needed to make some adjustments and doing it! I used to just put my fat jeans on and wait until they were too snug and keep moving up (it is a slippery slope!) Keep up the good work!

  3. ahhh the dreaded muffin top! You'll be looking the way you want in no time!
