Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Feeling Human Again..

I don't know what it was, but this morning I woke up feeling human.. For the past few days, I have felt like I've had cotton shoved in my ears and bricks shoved up my nose.. lol.. nice image, I know.. but I definitely feel like I can hear more and while I'm still sniffling, I can actually BREATHE!!  YAY!  


Okay, so I am back in the blogging world, and I've been catching up on my blogs I follow.. and one in particular has hit home for me.. I am relatively new to JuliaGoulia's blog.. but I am addicted.. :)  And today, her post about money hit home especially.. I think we all have taboo stuff that either we don't want to TALK about or READ about.. because that would put it OUT THERE (or whatever you want to say).. lol.. but money is a problem for everyone (and if it isn't for you, then give me some.. hehe), and JG is a gutsy girl who is opening up about it.. :)


So as I said in a previous post, I am planning to weigh in on Friday, take my numbers and start the Induction again.. I'm not exactly sure what to do UNTIL Friday though.. lol.. I guess I'll be as carb-friendly as possible.. Last night, I had the opportunity to eat a whole roll of Ritz crackers, and I could barely eat 5.. That's something I am totally proud of!  lol.. 

Today is an enigma for me.. I got to "sleep in".. aka, I didn't have to work with the kiddos and could have slept the day away.. Instead, I was up at 8.. lmao.. Isn't that how it usually works?  You get a day where nothing is waiting for you to wake up, and you can only sleep like 1 hour later than normal.. how awesome is that?!  Well, I'm off to officially start my day.. I am SO going to the gym today.. and I am totally excited about it! :)