Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is It Really Already March??

Honestly, where has the past 2 months gone??  I feel like I just rang in the new year, and made my 2011 goals..  But it's blown by, and for the most part, it's been a pretty great first two months of 2011.. HOWEVER, I plan to make March the best month yet!  March has only 1 birthday, no holidays that revolve around food, and hopefully nicer weather from here on out.. 

I decided a while ago that once the weather started getting better (aka no snow!!), I would start training outside.. because I honestly do want to do races, and I'd love to do lots before doing the Disney Princess Half-Marathon in Feb 2012 (I'd love to know if anyone has done a half as their first race).. but that saying about learning to walk before you run is absolutely correct.. so while I'd love to start running outside next week, I'm definitely going to start by the third week of March (around the 15th).. I plan to run on the treadmill as much as possible between now and then, to raise my endurance..


I am so happy I remembered my water bottle today.. Yesterday was HORRIBLE without water.. There were times when I almost gagged, my throat was so dry.. lol.. but I am surprised to not be sore.. Figured since I haven't worked out in over a week, I'd be feeling it, but I'm pretty good today.. :)  So I'm going back for more.. running and then Zumba at 7:30pm..


Last but not least, for now at least, THANK YOU!  Thanks to all those who are as shocked by the annon. comment as I was.. I read it to my dad, and he thought immediately of Jillian from BL.. and Chris read it and thought of Bob from BL.. now, if I found out it was them, I'd pass out, then thank them for their crappy criticism.. yes, I feel like proving this person wrong.. but this "fire" shall pass, just like the rest of them do.. It's the daily comments from my wonderful followers that make this journey a permanent one..

I wish my mom could come on here, and tell you how many diets I've done over the years.. She tells it like it is, and she knows I'm trying really hard this time to keep at it.. Yeah, I have my "cheats", but those keep me from going off the deep end.. weekends like the last one will happen.. but I got back to it on Monday, and will keep trudging along with all of you all.. :)

LOVE to my supportive followers!  :)


  1. I look forward to getting outside too! All we have is ice now!

  2. You WILL prove that person wrong!! You have the drive and determination!! You got this!!

  3. Nice weather! Yay! Good luck running outside!

  4. you got this girl!!!! Enjoy the outdoors!

  5. Sounds like someone was rude? People are annoying, you're right, it's the supportive comments to me that keep me going as well.

    You keep at it! :)

  6. I just read the annomonous comment you re-posted on your previous post. I think we probably all respect the fact that everyone has the right to voice their own opinion and that it's important that people are honest with each other but I also think there is a certain way for people to be honest, especially if it's likely their opinion will cause an emotional reaction.

    Maybe you would have respected their opinion a lot more if they hadn't just focused on the negatives but also included positives in their opinion too, such as how honest you are in your blog and how you aren't afraid to try something new to see if it will help more i.e. different diets.

    What we (your followers) love about your blog isn't that you're stating what's right and whats wrong, it's the fact that we are enjoying reading about your experiences and we enjoy it because we can all relate our own experiences to everything you're going through.

    Keep going, we're right by your side.

