Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Game Plan..

Okay, so I'd just like to give a few shout-outs in the beginning of this entry.. all the people who have commented over the past few weeks, you all are awesome!  There are not enough thank you's in the English vocabulary to make you understand how much I appreciate you all..  and then to Katie @ Are You Willing?.. her recent entry "Offense and Defense" made me think differently about things.. in a good way.. :)  And I'm hoping that she doesn't mind me copying her with the inspiration notebook.. I have my inspiration wall, but what happens when I am at work (or anywhere BUT home) and I need inspiration?  This is probably where my good intentions falter the most.. I can do great if I'm home 24/7, but seeing as I can't afford to do that, I am going to have to find other ways to make it work outside my house..

Which leads me to my main point.. my game plan.. 

While it is not totally finished, and probably won't be for a few days (or weeks, idk yet), I do have some major "plays" done.. After much thinking, reading, and listening, I have decided that I am going to go on the Adkins diet on Friday..  I'm sticking with my Friday weigh-ins.. I also plan to do my measurements this Friday and continue to do them every OTHER week.. I'm currently looking into recipes for Adkins-friendly meals, as I really don't want to rely on packaged crap.. 

I plan to stay on this diet for a while.. Right now, the idea I'm having is to "re-evaluate" at 180 lbs when I want to switch over to something different (I'll probably do WW, but I'm not sure yet).. so that gives me 40 lbs to wait to worry about "normal" eating.. lol.. I have no idea why this diet works for me.. But as my mom (and lots of you all) has said, it seems to be the only way I can lose weight.. So I'm going with it..

This week, however, is honestly going to be a bad week, food-wise.. as I plan to eat (within reason) a bunch of the foods that I won't be having over the next 60 lbs.. While I do plan to give myself a "cheat hour" every week, after the 2 week induction (usually on Fridays), this way I don't totally binge because I "want" something.. 

This is as far as my plans have gotten.. so for now, anything else will be played by ear.. :)

So how was Wednesday for you?  I'm about to go find out by reading blogs.. TTYN!


  1. Glad to hear you've got a game plan!!! You know how I love a good plan ;)

  2. Glad to hear you have figured out what will work for you. Have you tried packing a cooler for when you are at work?

  3. You can do this!
    Having a plan is a good idea!
    That plan has worked for Thousands of people.
    Make sure you pick up some Flatouts.I am pretty sure they are low carb and really good. YES I JUST LOOKED..I make pizza with them and Turkey sandwich roll ups..They are always in my house.Good luck!

  4. copy away! i love my book, and i know one would help you as well!

  5. Having a moment here... what exactly will you put in your inspiration book? I am very intrigued by this.

  6. Good luck with your game plan. You can do it!
