Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It should be a great day.


I woke up today feeling kinda icky again.. after such a nice day yesterday, I thought it was gone.. guess not.. :(   I wish this crap would just go away! But I count myself lucky, as I follow Erika @ Fat Like Me, and she currently has a double doozy she's dealing with.. I'll stick with my ickyness.. 

But still, I tried to eat lunch (after skipping breakfast because I wasn't hungry), and now my stomach hurts.. shoulda known..  but I can't starve myself.. because when I do feel better, I'm going to be so hungry and wanna eat everything I see.. not cool..

I hope you all are having a better day than I am right now.. I'm off to go read more blogs (and race to the bathroom every now and then.. blah)


  1. Ahh that sucks!
    Hope you get to feeling better!
    Eat what you can when you can. Eat light and then you wont be ravenous. Don't eat anything heavy. Stick with light and broth based! You should be up and feeling better in no time. I also would not be pushing the ZUMBA either!
    Feel better!

  2. Oh, feel better!!

    And BTW -- love the new background!

  3. I know how you feel!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon. ;)

  4. Feel better! Try and eat small things - maybe some chicken noodle soup!
