Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weekend Update..

Well this weekend has been.. different..

It's been difficult, to say the least.. I thought I'd worked out ways to get around my boredom eating.. I really have, during the week.. ugh!  The weekends are a totally different ball game, as I basically "babysit" for 12 hours.. I hate to say it that way, but it pretty much is sitting around, waiting for my clients to need me, and doing something in the time between.. most of the time I read or nap.. but today was one of those days where my client needed something quite frequently (poor thing is sick right now).. so I was just bored out of my mind..  and I ate..

I hate this!  The new year just started and I already have lost my good intentions somewhere.. but I will find them tomorrow morning.. as I HONESTLY do plan to start the C25K program tomorrow.. and go to Zumba.. and track ACCURATELY!


Speaking of tracking, I never expected the new Weight Watchers to be so complex.. Saturday I had somehow forgotten my calculator, and wanted to smack myself.. I remembered all the paperwork (to read at work) but not the actual calculator.. silly girl I am..

But I did try as much as I could to track.. on Saturday.. today, not so much.. but I've learned my lesson.. I will come up with a game plan between now and Saturday morning..  


I know that as soon as I get my new vehicle, I am dropping Saturdays.. I can't keep working 6.5 days a week for long.. I'm ALWAYS tired anymore.. And I throw away the things I love to get more sleep (like gym time, long baths, doing my Wii games)..


I plan to keep weighin in on my own scale, but I'm not sure what to post on here, seeing that when I weighed in Friday at my meeting at 12, I was at 228.2 on their scales (that's SO not cool to me!).. so I think I will stick with weighing myself and just following their weight for points.. does that make sense? lol.. I'm so sleepy.. ugh!

Good night y'all!


  1. Um! C25k? Lets do it together? I get to week 4 then stop! haha! Plus we are both in Sly's challenge!

  2. That was supposed to be Take CARE of your self. lol

  3. I wonder why the scale is so different...maybe because if your like me, I wear the bare minimum when I weigh at home. lol I agree that you are working a lot, i hope you get to slow down soon. Take of yourself childling. :)

  4. I try to just use the WW scale because of the time of day and stuff...usually at home I am naked and haven't eaten. I sucked it up one day and just went with the WW because of all the % and stuff! It's great that you joined!

  5. Oh my freaking gosh!!! I munch when I am bored too!! Or during movies!! GRRR!! What is up with that?!?! I seriously want to put a damn lock on my pantry and fridge and have my hubs take the damn keys with him to work!!

    And I totally agree.. working 6.5 days... CRAZY!! When do you have times for you?!
