Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Update.. and words of the day..

Ok, so I am wanting to cry out for a re-start.. I want to re-start my first week on WW Points+.. I want to re-start the new year.. but i won't.. that is not the way I want to do this.. I need to own up to my gains and crappy days/weeks.. because if I can't accept that I WILL have flaws, then I am not going to beat this thing we call "being overweight".. so I am just gonna have to suck it up, learn what I did wrong, and TRY MY HARDEST to not doing it again! So after I post this, I'm off to find some healthy snacks/lunches that will keep me from going for the Cheetos bag on weekends.. ugh!


So Friday, after seeing my gain on my scale, I felt defeated.. a little.. then I realized that I didn't do 75% of what I had PLANNED to do.. and that's the majority of my issue right now.. I can make all the plans I want, but I've got to get my head in this "game" because right now, it ain't! :( I was late getting out of my house, so I missed my WW meeting.. and weigh in.. so I'm stuck for this week.. and why didn't I get out of my house early enough? because I was SOOOOO tired.. ha! I'm always tired, this is nothing new.. but what is new?! It's that TOM again! I'm hoping that's why I gained.. but not riding anything on it..

This weekend has been so slow, painful (thanks to that TOM issue), sleepy, and food-crazy! 12 hour shifts are crazy to me.. they basically suck all the good hours of the day away.. by the time I go home at 7pm, because I've been sedentary all day, I just wanna go home and crash.. which is crappy, because I could go out, or work out.. instead, I'm in a funk and can't shake it off.. :(

But tomorrow is Monday! YAY! So much happens tomorrow! It's a new start to a new day.. it's the first day of the Spring semester.. it's the day I meet with my Vocational Rehab person.. it's the day I go back to the gym and kick my ass! :)


Why is it our bodies crave crap when it's that TOM?! Honestly, I never want junk, aka salt-loaded junk, unless it's that TOM.. ugh! I really want a Big Red from the fountain right now.. SO BAD! But I will keep myself from getting one.. they taste gross now, which is kinda great.. lol

Okay, Sabrina, this part is for you! :) I FINALLY got to go to Whole Foods.. and OMG! I can't believe how much organic food costs! Honestly, I can't see spending that much money on something that won't be in my body for more than 48 hours.. but I did find some things I wanted to try.. like their Smoked Salmon Corn Chowder.. I got 16 oz (and split it into 2-8oz servings when I got home).. I ate about 4oz before I got too full, and didn't really enjoy it that much.. so I threw away the rest, because it can't be good on points, and it really isn't worth eating, so eh.. I also got a blueberry muffin! Okay, so blueberry muffins are my weakness! Honestly, I can eat a whole box of them by myself, if I let myself.. which I don't.. ANYMORE.. lol but look at this thing..

I mean, seriously, this looked so yummy! So I got it home, cut it into two pieces..

and tried a bite.. and was SERIOUSLY dissapointed.. BLEH! I threw both pieces away.. thankfully I only paid like $1.50 for it.. lol

I also got some of the protein powder trial packs that I wanted to go for originally.. can't wait to try them.. :)


Is anyone else seeing crazy gas prices?! Does anyone else have cities like 20 miles apart that have a SIGNIFICANT price difference?! I do! I live in a small city.. and our gas prices are at $3.19 a gallon! That's for regular unleaded, people! So I went down to Sellersburg, and saw that their Shell station has gas for $2.97 a gallon! That's a $.22 difference per gallon!! AMAZING! I filled up at that last station.. lol


Sorry I didn't post my accountability pics for Friday and Saturday, but here's the one for today.. nightgown and all.. lmao.. as you can tell by the fake smile, I'm not too happy with myself after this weekend..

Words of the weekend..
** LAZY **
** AGONY **


  1. Don't worry! You can do this!

  2. Totally understand the cheetos downfall, but it's just one weekend!

    Everyone in California now is complaining about gas prices right now too! $4/gallon most places...probably the only reason I'm glad I don't have a car. : )

  3. Back on track, you can do this!

    I am in Canada and right now we are paying what is equivalent to about $4.50 per sucks!

  4. Um, I wont go into gas prices... mainly because we havent hit 3 bucks yet in my part of AZ.

    But seriously... That muffin looked good. but thankfully, it tasted horrible. Because one good muffin... can lead to another... and another... and another... You can so do this Sarah, look how far you have come! You look amazing!! Keep it up!! :)

  5. I've been wanting to try some whey protein. Those look like nice size packs to try rather than buying like a gallon of it. I'll have to look for those.

  6. LOL I find it so funny when Americans complain about gas (petrol) prices.

    In England a gallon of petrol costs on average of £6.60 which is about 10 dollars.

    We had American friends over and they said how much does gas/petrol cost and we said about $2. They said it was pretty good for a gallon until we stopped them and, it's 2 dollars per litre. They thought we were kidding but hell no!! It's so expensive over here.
