Monday, January 10, 2011

Well, it's Monday again! hehe

Okay, so last night's post was REALLY long.. I apologize.. I need to get to where I post daily during the weekend, or just leave "unimportant" things out of the update.. lol

I'll figure it out..


So I've decided to change up my eating plan.. I don't like cooking on weekends, I'm tired enough as it is (don't wanna add an hour to cook to an already sleepy day).. so I'm doing my eating plans for Monday thru Friday.. and this way, I can eat leftovers or something simple on Saturday and Sunday.. logical, right?! hehe


Okay, gotta give some love to the Clementine lovers out there.. you know who you are, and I can't remember who all loves them (without blog-stalking).. I can honestly say that I am joining the Cutie Love club.. lol.. I got a box of them on Friday, and I have been eating 2-4 a day ever since.. I'm almost out of them, I've eaten so many.. which I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.. ha


Non-Weight Loss Topic: School
So school has started back up again, and guess what?! I'm enrolled!! Only 4 credit hours (a 3 credit hour math class, and a 1 credit hour "pass/fail" class).. and the great thing is that there are no due dates for the math class! So my inability to buy a book for another week or two (money issues, what else) won't hurt my grade!! YAY!! Things just keep looking up!


Totally left my water bottle at work yesterday, so I went to Zumba tonight with no means to hydrate myself.. and BOY will I never do that again! I went on to run a mile on the treadmill after, and I had to push myself to finish my last 1/4 mile cool down.. My head was KILLING me! I knew what is was from, and I walked as fast as possible to my truck, as I had something to drink sitting waiting for me.. Minute Maid Light.. might not be water, but it made my head stop hurting.. so I went straight to my workplace, 20 minutes out of my way home(AND I hit a deer in the butt.. poor thing..), to get this thing.. and it's sitting right in front of me, needing a refill.. BRB..


Today's eating= okay.. Not great, and certainly not bad.. just slow to start, and picked up when I got home.. but I am still ending the day with my activity points still left, and I'll take that as a small victory.. Tomorrow is going to be a challenge.. I am going to get up early, like around 8am, and see how long it takes for me to do a workout (hopefully starting the C25K program outside tomorrow, if the snow doesn't happen tonight), take a shower and fix myself up.. so I know how early I would have to get up to get it all done before going to work.. at 7am.. eek! I will prolly only do this a few times a week (possibly 3, so I can keep up with the C25K program), but we will see.. only my lazy ass will tell.. lol

I'm working on that last part too.. but for now, I'm off to shower and bed.. Oh, but wait! Here's the pic from today.. all sweaty and gross.. lol


  1. Yay for joining in the Cutie loving club!! ;) They are so freakin addicting!!

    Yay on school!! woot woot!!

    And last but not least, good luck with the new eating plan! Left overs never last in my house ;) my hubby devours them as soon as I walk away from the fridge! LOL

  2. I love Clementines! They are so yummy!

    It's great that you got your courses!

  3. I am also a fan of Cuties - they are good. They're also 30 calories a piece, so a couple isn't bad. :)

    We got a snow day today - so no run for me last night, and no make-up run today...but I'm not gonna complain... the snow will melt..eventually HA!

  4. Awww, you look so happy....that's awesome.

  5. I could eat clementines all day long forever!
