Monday, January 10, 2011

So sick of snow..

Well, it looks like where I'm at is supposed to get 4 to 6 inches of snow tonight.. ick! I'm so OVER snow.. I want it all to go away.. lol..

So I guess I'll keep my plans to start the C25K in mind, but it looks like it's probably not going to happen.. as I can't see myself doing much of anything in snow.. :( I wanted to quickly give a little blip about some bloggers that have been listing some of their favorite workout music's.. PlushBelle, Biggie to Smalls, and Size 16 is fat have all posted their favorite workout music.. and I'm definitely stealing some of their ideas, as I really don't have a workout mix (which is probably why I have a hard time staying on the treadmill for very long).. but I plan to fix that! Tomorrow, regardless of if I get out of work because of snow, I plan to make all my mixes for working out.. and syncing them into my iPod Classic..

I'm off to bed.. Hope you all had a great day, and I'll catch up on more tomorrow.. :)


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! Lately when I get a particularly nagging craving I distract myself by creating new playlists to workout to. So even when I'm not in the mood to workout, my workout music still helps me get slim!

  2. GOOD LUCK TODAY and GREAT JOB YESTERDAY!!!!! We can do this!!!! Focus, focus, focus!
