Sunday, January 23, 2011

Playing House..

I hate to say this, but I really love when my Grandma goes out of town.. but only when I get to housesit.. :)   I get to take care of her two fur-babies, and sleep in her SUPER comfy bed.. and of course, play with her laptop, go through her iTunes (with her knowledge, of course), and other stuff like that.. lol..

She's gonna be gone for 6 days, so I get to spend 6 days "away" from home.. of course, I will go back home to get clean clothes, and food.. but still, it'll be fun to be here without having to worry about my mom or dad (sorry, guys)..  Today has been a pretty fun day.. went to breakfast with my mom and dad at Cracker Barrel, then went to see my bestie, Amanda.. we went shopping at Jo-Ann Fabrics (I love to sew right now, and am working on scrub tops for me and another friend).. and then came here..


No working out today.. I just didn't feel like it, I guess.. I guess I think that it's my day off, so I want to make it a TOTALLY free day.. Idk, but I think I'm going to keep Sundays that way.. I'll do some form of working out 6 days a week, but Sundays will be my recouperating day..


Life is going to get a little more interesting, work-wise.. Over the past week, I've heard that two of my three clients will be making changes in the next month.. one plans to move to a facility in the next two weeks, and the other plans to go back to her other son's house in St. Louis as soon as she's physically able.. so I'm not sure what that means money-wise.. and I'm kinda scared, as this sometimes happens with my type of work (home health care), but I'm planning to call the company I work for to discuss options.. While I wanted to get a simpler schedule, I don't want THAT much time off.. lol..

Well, I'm off to get ready for bed (and finish my tv movie).. Hope you all had a great weekend!  :)


  1. OK what TV movie were you watching? I want to know...

    Have fun house-sitting!

  2. home alone time is awesome, I was just talkign to my friend about those moments of having the house to yourself. Pants free time, oh how I want some of that soon. A day off is always a good idea, let your body rest.

  3. Sounds nice to kinda have a place of your own for a bit!

    Good luck with work!

  4. It is so good to get away for awhile isn't it? Even it is to a familiar place, it is still great to break the mondane habits we create for ourselves. Don't have too much fun.

  5. Enjoy being home away from home for a few days :)
