Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ugh, I'm Confusing Myself..

Honestly, I have no idea why you all still read my blog.. I'm so inconsistent and confusing.. Hell, I'm confusing myself as I write this.. I'm not sure what to do anymore, food-wise.. To tell ya the truth, a (tiny) part of me just wants to give up.. I'm doing my damn best to squash it, but I don't know how to get past all this mental crap.. and that's all it is, in my head..

I read a lot of blogs.. and I'm amazed at a lot of them, but two in particular are amazing to me.. they amazing to me because they are "winning" the weight loss game WITH MS!  Renea and Trisha are doing wonderful, and they have everything going against them.. and yet I can't seem to get on the ball for longer than a week.. ugh!  I've got to come up with a logical game plan.. logical for ME!  BUT the hardest part is where do I start that won't make me feel overwhelmed?

Alrighty, I have a question.. yes, again (hehe).. Does anyone not eat "breakfast"?  Yeah, I get that it's the "most important meal of the day", but I find that if I eat breakfast at 6am, I am eating ALL DAY!  And I have noticed that my biggest "grazing period" is at night, so I'm trying to figure out if I can eat lunch as my first meal, like around 10am.. Is that crazy?


The confusing part of all this?  I am not sure if I should stick with WW or go with the Adkins diet, like I talked about yesterday.. I got this cute keychain to use to count my daily points (written tracking is just not working for me, never has) that my bestie made me, and then I decide the next day to switch to Adkins.. and the more I think about it, I really don't want to give up fruit, veggies that aren't green, or rice.. I'm still not too sure what I want to do.. I'm hoping to figure it all out by Friday, as I will weigh-in to see how much damage my indecision has done to my body..

I just want to tell myself to shut the hell up.. lol.. honestly, this shouldn't be as hard as I'm making it.. again, back to the mental wall that I can't seem to break down (at least not yet).. But in the end, I will continue to try.. there is no quitting this thing.. Especially since I REFUSE to buy more "fat" clothes..


  1. Yes, skipping breakfast is crazy. ;-) You eat all day after you eat breakfast because your metabolism is actually working! So if you can plan on those days to bring certain healthy snacks then it won't matter if you are eating all day or not-cause you won't be eating crap. I am personally not on WW, but I think it is probably one of the most logical, best plans out there. There are choices in every food group, so you won't feel constricted by just protein like Atkins will...plus, kidneys do not like all protein, and unless you are eating only healthy proteins all the time, it almost certainly will affect your cholesterol a bit. Plenty of people have done well on Atkins, but I think it is more of a short term diet. If you think you would lose alot initially on Atkins, then want to switch to WW, you could do that, too... But eat your damn breakfast!!! ;-)

    Polar's Mom

  2. Hey Sarah! First of all, eating right in our society deserves a round of applause. So congrats on sticking with it as long as you have!
    The reason you are hungry all day long when you eat breakfast is because your metabolism is kicked in high gear! This is a good thing I promise! It's called "break" "fast" meaning your body is fasting all night long, and if you don't break the fast, your metabolism stays in this slow state all day long, kind of like a bear in hibernation. Long term weight loss is not likely if your metabolism is running slowly by doing things like skipping breakfast.
    Do not worry about going on some kind of diet. Diets are not a permanent thing, so even if you lost a zillion pounds on Atkins, when you go off of the diet, you are at risk of gaining all that weight back. So even if the changes to the eating habits are slowly progressing, stick to what works for you. If you can't see yourself doing it the rest of your life, then don't do it. I hope this helps. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for support :) *Devon*

  3. Eating within the first hour of getting up is super important! I know its hard, but please stop comparing your journey to other peoples. Our diets, workout plans and weight loss journey are as different as our finger prints. I learned that at the PFG event and it's really stuck with me. It's okay to change up what you do, as long as you do the RIGHT things consistently. I am still struggling, but we will get there. =)

  4. Many people have found many programs that work for them - you need to do what's best for you.

    Now, for me, I know that I suck at keeping track of things (i.e. writing down everything I eat), I didn't want to feel restricted, I want to be able to eat whatever I want within reason, and I want it to be sustainable.

    That's why I'm forging ahead with my own plan. My "make good decisions" plan has actually been working really well (proven by last week's 6lb loss). Here are the keys -

    -I go grocery shopping on a weekly basis and make sure I have plenty of healthy options in the house (fruits, veggies, salads, lean meats)

    -I pre-plan on Sunday before grocery shopping what I'm making for dinner each night of the week - saves money because I don't buy too much and it makes it very easy not to make any impulse bad dinner choices

    -I pack breakfast/lunches in advance. I'm trying to move away from processed foods but that's a tough task. Here's an idea of what I take to the office in my lunch bag (covers breakfast and lunch, and I don't so much worry about when I eat what - I just have something every few hours to stay fueled and not hungry):
    -Small baggie of special k (and I measure the serving size out)
    -Sandwich on a 100 calories sandwich flat
    -Very small bag of nuts
    -Orange slices
    -Popcorn (I buy kernels and pop it myself so I don't include butter or a lot of salt)
    -Granola bar
    -Water water water water water

    I'm never hungry and often don't even eat all of the snacks I bring, so I can just pack them away in my cubicle or fridge for a future snack emergency. And the best part is - it keeps me out of our cafeteria and away from the vending machines!!

    -Have some sweet snacks available for after dinner - THIS IS MY WEAK SPOT - I always want a snack after dinner, normally something sweet or chocolate. I blogged about this awhile back and someone suggested fudgicles - they're low cal and they totally hit the spot. It's been a life savior for me

    So, I guess the moral of the story is, you don't need to pick a specific diet or plan if you know you can plan things out in advance and stick to them, and identify your weak spots so that you always have a healthy solution available.

  5. We read, well I anyway read cause you're so darn honest and there is nothing wrong with that!!! :) I'm the same way about breakfast, I've gotten better at it but it's always been my downfall. What I've started doing is having a meal replacement shake at breakfast, it keeps me full until I can have a decent snack around 10:30, lunch at 2pm and dinner around 7pm, sometimes I'm still hungry at night but I try my best to sleep it off. Good luck! :) i've been considering WW too but I don't know if it's for me. :/

  6. I had a really hard time getting into eating breakfast too but it is better.

    I think that you just need to find a plan that "speaks" to you... I couldn't so I just started weighing and measuring and cutting things out of frequent usage etc...

  7. Sarah, I think you should go with Adkins...you had a lot of success on it, and that is what you need right now to get back in the game. You need to see a big loss one week and that will motivate you to do it again the following week. Just my opinion, but I have been thinking for awhile of suggesting that to you

  8. I must have breakfast! How are you not hungry in the morning?

    Just keep going - you will find what works for you!

  9. I'm sure everyone has something that works for them or will find something that works for them. Every once in a while I find something that works for me and it's so amazing! I sort of eat breakfast. I get up at 6 am, I fly around like a madwoman for 35 minutes and then I leave the house with my coffee mug in hand. I get to work at 7 and that's when I have a banana and sip my coffee while getting the day started. Between 8:30 & 9, I have oatmeal which generally tides me over till lunch and if it doesn't, I'll have a piece of fruit between the oatmeal and lunch. So while I don't eat a traditional "breakfast", I do have a banana an hour after I get up. Don't worry, you'll find the thing that works for you!

  10. I am not a breakfast eater at all. I do exactly what you said. An early mid morning lunch in my breakfast at around 11 am. Then I have a snack. Dinner like normal and then a larger than a snack but smaller than a meal snack around 9 pm. If I eat breakfast I graze all day. And I am a horrible night time grazer. I found this to be the only thing that helps me. Hoping you stick with it. :-)

  11. Don't give up, Hon. That's the worst thing you can do. Whether you eat breakfast or not, whether you count points or carbs. Being a little thinner may be cute to society, but it's healthy to our bodies. "It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can." Focus on making healthy food choices and activity the normal for you, and enjoy the ride. Little by little the pounds will add up to something great. Always here if you need some encouragement.

  12. For one, THANK YOU so much for giving me such a great shout out!

    Two, every plan is different and what I am doing is working for me, but doesnt work for everyone. You mentioned Atkins? Why not give it a go? If you had good results its worth a try. Or even mashing up WW and atkins?? Finding what works with you and what you can stick to is the biggest part of your journey. I started my "journey" in April of 2010, didn't start losing until Sept 2010. Because I kept doing what others were doing. You have been doing great, you will do great. dont give up!!
