Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quick Post..

Okay, so today I had not 1 but 2 NSV's.. I'm thinking that maybe I should shoot for having one every day.. lol.. this is a great feeling! Okay, so I posted about this on FB, so if you are friends with me on there, you've already heard this.. but shhhhh, don't tell everyone else.. lol

I went to the gym tonight.. yay me, but that's not the NSV.. this is: I got onto the treadmill, walked 1/4 mile, then ran for 2 1/4 miles!! HOLY CRAP! That's amazing to me.. I wasn't even hurting by the end, but I set my treadmill for 40 minutes, so I ran for 30 total (plus a 5 minute warm up and cool down).. I mean, seriously, if I didn't think I wouldn't make it through Zumba, I would have kept going, to see if I could do a 5k.. but that's tomorrow's goal.. :)

I'm so happy, if I wasn't concerned about people laughing at me, I'd have done a serious happy dance and yell.. lol.. but I did one inside..

So I did the 40 minutes on the treadmill, 35 minutes on the bike (had 45 minutes to kill before Zumba) watching Jerry Miguire, and then 1 hour of Zumba.. I'm hurting, but I hope it's a good hurt.. We'll see tomorrow..

Oh, and after thinking about it, I've decided to not do morning workouts.. I don't get enough sleep as it is, so I'm not taking one healthy thing away to do another healthy thing (that I do late in the day anyways)..

Off I go to lay in bed and watch Biggest Loser.. :)