Monday, November 29, 2010

12 Days of Christmas gift swap!

Okay, so we all LOVE presents, don't we?!  If you don't, then you haven't been getting the right ones, now have you?!  So I follow Kenz at All The Weigh, and her and her girl Janna have come up with a great idea.. to send out 12 little gifties to a fellow blogger, and open them daily in the 12 days before Christmas.. Holy cow!!  I can't wait!  I love to shop, and I just don't have enough people to buy for.. lmao, that's sad.. so I'm participating..
 Are you??  It's pretty simple.. but all the details are at Kenzie's blog.. so check it out.. :)

I can't wait to see who my "partner" is.. I've already got 2 presents in mind for whoever I get.. lol

Oh yeah.. I posted a page about my December goals.. check em out!  :)


  1. That's a cool idea!!

    What your Journey Scrapbook?

  2. Thanks Sabrina!

    My Journey Scrapbook is all about the stuff I'm doing in my Year-Long Challenge.. Including my weight loss.. I plan to do a little background on my diet journey before November, and then to do a monthly smash-up page and then a few with the details on them.. :)

    As soon as I get some finished, I'll post em on here..

  3. I would have participated but I would have felt sorry for whoever got me due to the cost of shipping to the UK LOL.

    Great idea though! :)

  4. Hey, Sarah!
    I didn't even know this blog existed until I read your post (and I signed up, too!) I actually went out this afternoon and did a little searching for some things. I don't have a lot of people to buy for, either (5 to be exact) because my side of the family doesn't do presents anymore. It will be interesting to see who we get!

  5. I am so glad you joined is going to be so fun!

    Congrats on your success on your are kicking butt!

    Looking forward to getting to know you!

