Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crappy Tuesday..

I love the rain.. until it interrupts my day, like it has today..

Have a headache from hell, which seems to be taking it's slow time getting done with.. :(   But last night I decided to take the day off of Shred because my body was HURTING so bad.. and I woke up today totally feeling fine (minus the headache).. So I will be back at it today, no matter what.. and while I want to go to Zumba, I think I may just rest in bed for today..

It's gonna be one of those weeks, I think.. but I'm trying my hardest to not overeat.. and so far, it's working pretty well.. :)  I'm gonna go take a nap now..


  1. a nap sounds fantastic. some days you just have to listen to your body and give it a break. hope you feel better soon and your headache goes away!

  2. It's great to get back at the shred, hope your headache goes away!

  3. please do not take this the wrong way but don't fall down the slippery slope you have seem so determined lately and if you fall I know it will only make you feel worse in the end!!! As unmotivated you may feel that's the time you should just get up and do the workout. I always am so happy with myself when I do that!!!
