Thursday, November 11, 2010

Game Time..

I have been tagged by Gertie @ Losin' My Jelly Belly!    I LOVE these kinds of games!  They are so fun, and random.. :)   So Gertie asked 4 questions, and here are my answers..

1.  What is your favorite book?
i don't know if i have a favorite book.. i have a favorite type of books, which is romance novels.. :)
  i just can't get enough of them.. hehe

2.  Do you believe in paranormal activity?
i do.. i believe that my grandfather watches over me.. i've been in too many close calls (accident-wise) to not believe that someone is watching out for me.. but that's why i can't watch those movies because i just don't want to push my luck with my good ghosts.. ;)

3.  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
this is a toss up for me.. i love me some ben and jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ( i used to eat their half baked ice cream, which was new york brownie and chocolate chip cookie dough mixed together)  and then i could eat a whole gallon of rainbow sherbert, given the time.. lol   :)

4.  If you were invited to be on Oprah, what would the show be titled?
 oh goodness, i have no idea.. i would love to be on a show about transformations, ala Kirstie Alley.. have a before picture, then show up in a bikini as my "after".. lol.. that'd be awesome! 

and now, I'm to ask 4 questions of my own and tag 4 people to (hopefully) answer them.. :)   so here are my 4 tags:

on to the questions:

1. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree, where would you spend it at and on what?
2. What is one of the top 10 on your "bucket list"?
3. What is one thing you are looking FORWARD to over the holidays?
4. Finish this sentence.. "All I want for Christmas is..."

I am lookin forward to your answers! :)


  1. oh hilarious!!!! I didn't realize you had been tagged by someone else! I just tagged you and came over to let you know. So in that case, I'm really glad that you love these things :)

  2. Hi doll! It has been an insane, crazy, busy weekend and I am just getting around to catching up on blogs. Thanks for tagging me...I'm excited (yes, I'm easily amused and amazed lol)! I will post SOON :) Oh, and btw...I love me some rainbow sherbert too!!
