Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's a Blah Kind of Day

and I'm LOVING IT!!  Especially since I get to stay home.. my client is having a "bad" day.. The storm that is taking over Southern Indiana is perfect for today.. I dunno why, but it just is..

Turned in my application today to the YMCA.. I also got to Zumba today, and stayed for Aqua Zumba class to see what it's like.. holy moly, it was difficult!  My arms are achy because of the resistance that isn't in the normal Zumba class.. and of course, they had a hot lifegaurd on duty today (and my age, so it made me that much more self-conscious).. But I couldn't stay today for Water Aerobics (so I thought) because I had to work.. After getting out of the heated pool, I got showered and dressed and then saw I had a VM from work.. 
Now to spend the day in my jammies, catch up on Days of Our Lives and General Hospital, and possibly start making my Christmas cards.. :)