Thursday, November 25, 2010


My Turkey day is over.. THANK GOODNESS! 

I realize this comment makes me seem like a total bitch, but for those who have been following for a while should know, I have anxiety issues.. and my family is a HUGE trigger.. while I'm not certain why, I do have my own inner ramblings to help me figure out the reasons..

I am single, living at home, and 27.. I should be married by now.. hell, at least divorced.. Idk.. it's my own shit to deal with, and my family isn't very supportive of my "issues".. like my mom, who (after having a convo with my brother and sister-in-law) expects me to know what they were talking about as I walk up and ask me a question involving what they were talking about.. and I gave her a ?ing look (it may have went with a WTH are you talking about KIND of comment).. she then proceeded to threaten to smack me across the face..

Add this to the already yipping chihuahua (who yips, not barks), the small house, and the urgent sense to get the hell away.. I was about to burst into tears.. and this is a feeling I have to deal with in most family situations.. Christmas?!  Well shit, I'm SO not looking forward to that family dynamic..

OH!  I did do good food-wise though.. :)    I'm super proud of myself.. I got some turkey, some ham, a little corn, 1 deviled egg (after finding out they are 2 pts a PIECE, I wasn't wanting them so badly.. lol), and of course, a ladelful of my mom's broccoli casserole.. NO ROLLS, NO DESSERT.. and I'm pleasantly full..  :)

I'm off to take a nap, then to start off on the fun part of this day.. BLACK FRIDAY planning.. :)

Hope you all are having a better Turkey day than I did.. ;)


  1. 27 and still living at home, it could be alot worse! It's great that you did good on your food. Have fun shopping!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the family drama. I wish there was something I could say to make it all disappear. ***HUGS***
