Monday, November 22, 2010

Muffin Making Monday..

and Friend Making Monday too!  Mondays just keep getting better and better.. well, as better as they possibly can get for being a Monday.. hehe

So if you read my previous post, you'll remember me saying something about making blueberry muffins.. and I made em.. I couldn't wait.. Just talking about them made me want one.. hehe..

I guess that's one thing I can't control.. the WANT for food.. but what I can control is how much, if any at all, I eat.. So I let myself eat ONE muffin with 1/2 tsp of butter.. because they just don't taste right without butter.. lol.. so that was 4 pts.. and since I haven't eaten my yogurt yet (from my food log), I figure I'm right on points-wise..  :)

Not sure if I've ever said anything about my fur-babies before, but I have 9 of them.. inside.. yeah, I know.. we get that a lot.. lol.. But one of them, Miko, decided to keep me company while I made these muffins..

He loves to be around your feet.. and he proceeded to do so the whole 16 minutes the muffins were baking.. did I mention he's HUGE?!  We call him our puppy, because he is the same size as a medium size dog.. lol.. But while I was waiting for the muffins to finish, and after Miko got bored playing with me, I figured I'd cut up some apples and look at my favorite cookbook of all time..

Onto the Friend Making Mondays.. Kenzie at All The Weigh posted a question for us to answer, so we can get to know other bloggers.. and of course, it's Thanksgiving food related.. lol

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
My favorite dish is my mother's broccoli casserole.. she fixes it for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and usually for my birthday.. lol.. I LOVE it!!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm... I havent had a muffin in FOREVER!!

    My fave turkey day dish... (if I had to pick one because I LOVE EVERYTHING) is either, green bean cassarole, home made candied yams, ooooo or the gravy my mama makes from scratch!! ...mmmmmm... Oh gawsh, I HOPE I can handle myself on T-Day!!
