Monday, November 1, 2010

Game Day..

well, technically night, but who cares.. lol

So I'm sitting here, after getting back from work, in my colts gear (colts shirt, colts pj pants, colts slippers.. hehe) reading up on other blogs.. and my girl Katie's blog, Finding the Thin Within, hit me really hard today.. in a good way.. she was talking about her challenges, and how she never goes into a challenge halfway.. she either does it or doesn't.. there is not in between with her.. and as most of you who follow my blog, I am definitely living in the halfway.. or at least I am on some things..

Yeah, I am doing my diet, whole-heartedly.. yeah, I'm finally getting to exercising on a normal basis.. but it wasn't always that way.. I am definitely an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of person.. If it isn't in my face 24/7, it won't cross my mind until I RANDOMLY think about it.. :(

So I am planning to take some initiative and put all my challenges in front of my face.. Anyone remember my "racing platform" I made a few months ago?  Well, it's finally got my "before" pic on it.. and that's about it..  But not for long.. I am the only one who can make the changes in my life that I want.. so thanks, Katie, for unintentionally kicking me in the ass.. ;)

Be sure to check out my new tab, "My Year-Long Challenge".. This year should be a doozy..

1 comment:

  1. Great Challenge! And I think its more serious than a New Years' Resolution. Those things are so cliche and half the time people just do them because its tradition. The initiative you're taking is def not a 'halfway' kind of thing. ;-)
