Monday, November 15, 2010

All in All..

It's been a pretty good day, which I needed after yesterday.. and the weekend..

Just a recap, my weekend sucked (like normal) because of work.. I even had a new person on Friday morning, but my normal client still overrode my mind.. and not in a good way whatsoever..  I was texting my mom all morning, trying to avoid a panic attack (it didn't work).. so I had to go to the other room and call my manager, because I couldn't do this anymore.. so i put in my "two weeks" with her..

Saturday was worse, and needless to say, today I called my manager this afternoon and told her I couldn't work with my client anymore.. I mean, this woman yelled at me for EATING A DONUT!  ONE MINI DONUT!!  So my Monday started off pretty well.. and while it had it's ups and downs during the afternoon, but then I got home and went straight off to the gym.. went to Zumba and I even stayed for Pilates..  very happy with myself.. :)

On a seriously happy note, a few days ago my Zumba teacher told me about an opening at the YMCA I go to.. for a water aerobics instructor!  I'm turning my application in tomorrow morning, when I go to Zumba.. and plan to stay after to do the water classes they have, so I can see what I'm getting myself into.. lol.. my Zumba teacher has even put in a good word for me!  :)

Btw, thanks for all the comments recently.. y'all are awesome!   


  1. I was a social worker for the department of child services; quitting a job like that feels so freakin good!!!! I can imagine yours goes something like this; a lot of hassle and putting up with crap and not enough money. I know things will work out for the best, and the YMCA job sounds perfect!! Good luck. :-D

  2. Zumba. I've never done it. I've seen the girls at the gym doing it and it looks like fun but I'm so self conscious.

  3. Thanks, BB.. I hope they do too.. :)

    And Michelle, I am sure I looked totally stupid (and prolly still do) when I first started.. you should try it.. plus, your hubby will love the new limber you when he gets home, ya know what I mean?! (hope that's not overstepping any boundaries).. :)
