Saturday, November 27, 2010

Well, that was fun..

Okay, so I'm done with the first day of the 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels.. and boy, do I wanna hit her.. lol.. but it wasn't THAT bad, and it went even faster because I was listening to my iPod while I was doing it.. I think it'll work pretty well to get me fitting into that dress.. 

Sabrina @ Sabrina is on the move! is eerily on the same brain wave I am.. and we've been that way for a while.. it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do.. sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy.. but I'm definitely decided that I am doing the Adkins diet again on January 1st.. I'd start Monday, but that's just setting me up for failure.. 

Until then, I'm going to try to scale back my eating habits.. because I have gotten WAY to lax on what I put in my mouth.. and that isn't good at all.. I don't know how some people can diet for all their worth, but I can't.. ugh!  

Now I go to finish some iPod playlists.. some for running, some for inspiration, and some just for plain ole fun dancing music!!  :)

What songs do you listen to during your runs?  
or just to dance around to??


  1. I love/hate the shred too! I lost 5 pounds in the first week alone girl! Good luck :)

  2. Have fun with the Shred!

    I love to listen to Glamorous by Fergie when I am walking.

  3. Oh... no Adkins diet for me! Trying to take carbs from an Italian is NOT a good idea! But other than that, we are one in the same. Twins separated at birth?

  4. I dont do alot of crabs only becasue I cant have gluten. As far as what I listen to when walking/running. Rascal flats and Garth Brooks are the favorite at the moment. What ever makes me move faster is what I do.

  5. Good luck with the Shred..I´ve done like 14 days [I forgot to list when I started] but I´m not doing everyday I mix it up with another JM or Biggest Loser video otherwise I get bored fast but man does it work.
    My fave song for when I´m jogging is "It´s My Life" by Bon Jovi..
    "It's my life It's now or never
    I ain't gonna live forever
    I just wanna live while I'm alive"
    I swear he was fat in his former life... it just makes me push harder cause dammit I don´t want be fat no more.. I wanna live my life and be happy.
    ha! sorry for the long post. :)
