Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm SO Hungry!!

Well, I am.. so while I feed my face with some yummy left overs (because I don't wanna cook.. lol), I figured I'd let y'all know about my day.. :)

So I am a big fan of the Diet Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade.. and I can NEVER find it when I go to look for it.. the only store I can find it at usually is about 40 minutes away.. and I'm not driving that far JUST for this stuff.. lol..  It's good, but not that good.. And that's the store that has the fresh sushi that I LOVE that never makes it to my house (I eat it while driving.. It doesn't last 10 miles.. lol)..

Went to Jay C's this morning, to get some fresh fruits, and was SHOCKED to see that they had ONE case of this soda.. I almost dropped the case of Diet Cherry Cokes I had intended to buy.. lol.. I was so excited to see that a store literally a block away from me has this stuff!  :)

I made sure to pack a bag with my gym stuff in it to take with me to work.. so I couldn't talk myself out of going straight after work.. and what did I try to do?!  Try being the key word there.. I succeeded in making myself go to the gym.. thanks to my client.. he left to go to the gym as soon as I left him.. so I felt if my client could go to the gym, my lazy ass could too.. lol

So I went to the gym.. and did a kick ass Zumba class.. I <3 this class so much.. it's never boring.. and it's always fresh because they keep the songs rotating.. I even did one today that I'd never done before (but it wasn't new to the class, from what I could tell).. 

My hot, and SUPER sweaty, self after Zumba..

But I decided to see if my Nike Shox that I have would work for this class.. and they do, to a point.. I've heard a lot of people say the same thing about Nike Shox.. that they make your feet fall asleep.. and while I wish I could go up a size, I am not getting a 11.5 so my feet won't fall asleep for a bit.. I already have clown feet.. lol..

I've used and abused these babies.. but they're still beautiful!  :)
And last but not least, my daily food log..  I am really loving doing this on here, as it keeps me honest.. 

2 Fiber Plus Bars
1 cup corn
baked potato with 1 tsp butter and sour cream
3 pcs of flank steak
1/4 cup baked beans
1/4 cup mac 'n cheese
4 oz chicken breast
   Blueberry Yoplait Light Yogurt  
24 points

It's nice to see that I didn't over eat.. plus, that's not including my activity points, which I've figured prolly works better that I don't count them.. this way I'm that much more likely to see a loss, I figure..  I'm debating over whether to make my blueberry muffins for tomorrow morning.. and maybe for a snack later tonight.. lol..  :)

Happy Monday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You know, my Nike Lunar Glides made my feet fall asleep at times too and then I loosened up the laces towards the toe and tied them tight at the ankle like normal and it stopped happening. Not sure if the design is similar but it might help.

    Good job on the food tracking! I've slacked lately in that area and the scale showed it big time.

    I bought Just Dance 2 today and tried it right after work. There's a learning curve but oh man is it fun!! I was sweating like crazy by the end of the third song!
