Friday, December 31, 2010
Last Post of 2010..
So much to write about..
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Negative Nancy's (and Ned's) of the World..
lol.. glad I got that off my chest.. I'm getting so sick of all the negativity I see in the world.. on the Internet.. on people's blogs.. I get that criticism is supposed to help people (in theory).. but really, there has got to be a more gentle way to say certain things..
I was taught as a child, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".. I think most of us (in my generation) were.. and while it has evolved as I grew up, I still would never say something mean to someone's face.. yes, I blab about certain things behind people's backs.. anyone who says they don't is LYING!! We all bitch and moan, and most of us just need to get it out of our heads.. which is to say that we have NO intention of hurting anyone's feelings by telling them, and that once we have said _______________ it gets forgotten about..
I just saw someone post on someone's FB status about how WW is crap and it doesn't work.. and then the same someone later posted that the reason it's so expensive is because of the books.. WTF?! I hate people who don't know what the hell they are talking about.. and of course, I responded.. I couldn't help it..
Obviously, this isn't going to be used anymore.. and I WON'T give broken things to Goodwill.. trash pile, here it comes.. lol |
I love donating to Goodwill.. almost as much as I love shopping there.. lol.. this is only a little of what I plan to give to them.. |
Hump Day..
PlushBelle had said something about a 3 day weekend coming up.. and my immediate thought was "What is a 3 day weekend?" lol.. honestly, I haven't had a weekend, let alone a 3 DAY weekend, in a while.. I work 6.5 days a week, most weeks.. last week, and this week, I work 6 days.. and I will continue to do so until June, prolly.. I NEED to get things accomplished that only money can fix.. lol.. like moving out! and getting a new(er) car! These are two things I intend to get done this coming year.. :)
I keep seeing all these recipes, and I am SO going to have to try these breakfast burritos.. they look yummy, and now that I'm making myself eat breakfast I won't have any excuses.. lol.. oh! and after today I am not letting myself make excuses anymore for getting up to work out in the mornings.. If my client's DIL can get up at 4am to do it (then deal with 3-4 kiddos all day), then DAMN IT so can I.. lol
I can't wait to go up to see my bestie, Amanda, tomorrow night.. we are doing our Christmas stuff then, and I'm pretty excited about it.. To see my neice and nephews open their gifts.. to get my Michael Jackson game! We both decided to get eachother the games that we REALLY wanted this year.. I got her the Sims 3 Wii game, and she got me the Michael Jackson Wii game.. :) Can't wait to play the games.. if I EVER find the time.. :(
I've come up with a few more goals to add to my "2011 Goals" page.. but the laptop I'm on keeps closing my page.. ugh! So check back in a few hours, if ya wanna see what they are.. :)
Quick post..
Well, hmm..
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Hmm.. What to Title this one.. Randomness, I guess..
BEFORE PIC~ taken on 08/27/10 |
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NOW (no face pic because I don't have makeup on.. lol) |
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I mean, seriously.. that's a lot of fabric to have not touching skin.. |
Fun Times Were Had..
Monday, December 27, 2010
Check it out!
I plan to keep the bottom three permanently.. I figure those are good goals to keep throughout the year.. I can't imagine how many foods I can try between now and the end of the year.. you figure there are 52 weeks in a year, well I honestly am going to have to think outside my "normal eating" box to come up with that many foods to try.. lol.. I'm definitely looking forward to trying some different fruits and veggies.. and some different meals and stuff like that too.. :)
Any ideas for what I should try? I think this week it's going to be protein powder.. stupid, I know, but I need to find some good ones.. might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?! :)
I am at work right now, so I can't do what I was wanting to do RIGHT NOW, but I will be back on later tonight (after my dinner with Katie and Katelyn) to fix things up the way I want them to be.. so keep an eye out! Ta ta for now..
Happy Monday..
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Presents time..
My white elephant gift.. Have I mentioned that my WHOLE family is Colts Fans?! |
Yeah, I wanted to burn the damn thing in the backyard (and post it on here, of course).. but I've been told that's not an option.. :( |
My grandma got me and my brother old fashioned recorders.. ya know, the ones you play in elementary school (or atleast we did).. my brother's was pink! mine was purple.. :) |
This was too cute when I opened it.. it swivels and turns.. it's freakin' FANTABULOUS!! :) |
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas (or whatever you chose to celebrate).. :)
Friday, December 24, 2010
And so the size game begins..
chopped my head off bc I don't have any makeup on or my hair fixed.. lol |
Christmas Came Early..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Friend's New Blog..
Christmas Eve Eve..
Okay, so I just wrote like 3 paragraphs for this entry, and the damn laptop I'm on decides to close this browser.. UGH! Stupid crappy computer! lol.. rant over.. now back to regularly scheduled entry..
I love that it's already December 23rd.. I can't wait to go to my grandma's house tomorrow night, I can't wait to get my hair cut and my nails did tomorrow afternoon, and I can't wait to open my presents Christmas morning.. and of course, all the family I get to see.. :)
The bad part about this time of year, is all the crap that seems to happen during this busy time.. like last night when I was going home, I got pulled over! Really?! Isn't there some kind of code that says that you don't pull people over for stupid shit like a headlight out?! But he was a hot cop, so I was totally nice and kinda flirty.. lol.. he let me off with "a warning".. whatever that is anymore.. lol
I was planning to be one of those crazy people shopping tomorrow, because Friday is payday at my job.. and guess what?! I guess my job decided to consider Christmas Eve a holiday because I got paid today!! WOOHOO!! Now I can go after work and get the few things I still need to get.. I'm kinda dreading going to Target tonight though.. It's pretty crazy around there anymore.. But seeing as I only have 4 people to buy for, I'm seriously happy.. :)
I must say thanks to Gertie and Michelle for making me smile for a long time last night.. While I love that I have 58 followers, I realize that not all of them read my blog daily.. that'd be awesome but not realistic.. I don't even read ALL my blogs I follow on a DAILY basis.. But it was nice to hear from Gertie and Michelle that I was missed.. :)
So thanks a million, ladies!
Now onto my plans for my plans.. lmao.. I couldn't think of anything else to call them.. because right now, they are just that.. blueprints, kinda.. Right now, I'm definitely going to post a page about my 2011 goals.. those goals that I want to accomplish either during the year, or by the end of the year.. Some will have specific timelines, and some won't..
I also plan to make weekly goals.. but limit myself to 5 a week.. things like cook a new recipe, try a new class (or workout), and maybe even a few things not related to weight loss (like get out of the house.. lol)..
My goals for right now (up to the end of the year) is to get as many tools as possible lined up for the new year.. I REALLY want one of those bullet things I've heard all sorts of people talk about (including Trisha).. I am going to look up some different exercises I can do at home or at the gym to spice things up a bit.. I am going to look for some yummy chicken recipes to keep myself from running out of ideas.. I'm thinking of buying a new food scale, but I'm not sure yet, as my current one still works, but it's a bit small.. and instead of buying a new scale, I'm thinking I'm gonna look for the instructions for the one we have.. lmao
I hope to have all my goals finished by the end of the weekend, if not by tomorrow afternoon (now that I don't have to do much, I may get it done by then).. For those who aren't coming back online until after Christmas, I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.. and I look forward to seeing all sorts of posts about what happened and what ya got under the tree.. :)
Plans are to be made..
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Out with the old..
I love Victoria's Secret bras.. so much that they are the only bras I wear.. I will pay $45 (usually I have SOME kind of coupon, so it's not usually that expensive) for a good bra.. I mean, the one I'm throwing away has been worn 24/7 since last December.. well, except to workout in (I have an old one for that.. lol).. they last FOREVER! But I got a new one earlier than I thought I would be able to, thanks to Mrs. Peggy and Eric.. They gave me a VS gift card! YAY!! So I'm throwing out the old one...
This thing has been stretched out, worn out, and basically died a good death.. lol |
I wore it out so much that the strap actually came away from the cups.. that's NEVER happened before.. |
Playing Catch Up..
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on the 3rd day of Christmas, Tara gave me some kick ASS Christmas socks.. they are so soft! |
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on the 4th day of Christmas, Tara gave me some WONDERFUL dark chocolate M&M's.. yummy!! |
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On the 5th day of Christmas, Tara gave me... |
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an exfoliating bath poof from Bath and Body Works.. I have one of these already, and they are WONDERFUL! It's nice to have another one.. :) |
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on the 6th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... |
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some pretty maroon OPI nail polish and clear sealer.. and toe things.. pedicure time!! |
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On the 7th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... |
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on the 8th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... a pretty "Happy Holidays" mug with something yummy inside.. |
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the something yummy? caramels that me and my mom think are homemade.. they are SO SOFT!! |
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on the 9th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... some super soft shea cashmere lotion.. |
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on the 10th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... |
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a 2011 Colt's calendar!! The sticky note on it said "If only they had one w/ just pictures of Peyton! :) He's my favorite! |
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On the 11th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me... |
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This super cute Snowman christmas ornament.. looks like we both gave each other Christmas ornaments.. :) |
On the 12th day of Christmas, Tara gave to me.. this beautiful (I assume) handmade bracelet.. I w | ear it all the time.. :) |
Been in Hiding..
Right now I'm at work, and my plan is to catch up with all my bloggy friends tonight and post all the pics of what's been going on in my world.. I've been doing really good, I think, with my food.. I haven't been tracking, but I do pay attention to what and how much I am eating.. and I have NOT been to the gym.. I miss it so much! I can't wait to get this week over.. as sad as that sounds, it's true.. I feel like I haven't been able to stick to a normal schedule this past week.. actually, more like 2 weeks if I think about it..
And it has everything to do with my lack of UMPH in the morning.. I'd be blogging daily still if I could get up early enough to sit there long enough to get stuff done.. lol
OH! One of my friends, well more like a work momma to me, is new to blogging.. and I'm so proud of her for putting herself out in this world, because we all know how much guts it takes to take the plunge into weight loss blogging.. so if ya want a new follower and a new blog to follow, check hers out.. (I'll post the link later.. the computer I'm on isn't letting me do the "link" thing)..