Thursday, December 2, 2010

Help me find it..

Okay, so someone on my blogroll posted a website of 0 point food list.. and I can't figure out where the entry, and blog, are.. ugh!!  Anyone know what I'm talking about??  I just wanna see if I can eat (no sugar added) applesauce for 0 points..

Help a girl out, y'all..

OH!  Update on my guys..
I have traded #'s with 2 really sweet and (definitely) attractive guys.. Matt and Kevin (hoping they never find this blog.. lol).. sadly they live like 40 miles from me (in different directions), but I'm kinda okay with that.. lol.. I put on my profile that I didn't have a lot of pics because I'd recently lost 20lbs and was working at a little more (because I didn't want them to think because I have to lost 50 more that I'm THAT fat).. but both these guys have congratulated me for my weight loss.. and complimented me.. :)

They are good in my book for now.. I'm actually texting Matt right now.. :D  


  1. =)))) about the guys! Can't wait to hear more.

  2. I saw a list on a WW community blog called She's Come Undone. I'm not sure if you have to be subscribed to etools to see it her not. This is the web address:

    If that doesn't work, shoot me an email at and I'll copy & paste it for you. It's the new plan 0 points list.

    Thanks for the comment on my "mom" post!! Seriously, it's just nice to know someone read it and sympathizes!


  3. Playin the field ;-) But seriously, I'm mega excited for you!

  4. Awesome news!! Good luck on the dating front and if you meet in the middle its only a 20 minute drive!! WAHOO!

  5. Sounds like you have some options! So exciting!

    I know exactly what blog you are talking about but I can't find it either.....;p

  6. Ok - I missed this one but seriously - I met Hubs on

    I had tried and it seemed like it was all about the booty calls.
