Friday, December 24, 2010

And so the size game begins..

Okay, so I knew to expect it, especially with my slacking weight loss (up to the past two weeks, that is).. My mom is bound and determined to buy me sizes that she thinks will fit.. and I am not going to take tags off anything that I won't fit into in 2 months.. what's the point??  I barely get to wear "normal" clothes anyways (as I'm always working or at home), so why waste money on clothes that get worn once and get put into the "yard sale" pile?!

I hate to say this, and I told my mom that while she may be in denial about my weight loss (she says she isn't), I am not wearing clothes that are too big for me.. I don't care if she thinks they'll fit..  But how do I make my mom feel less like I'm being ungrateful????  That's the unfortunate question.. I don't want to hurt my mom's feelings.. I honestly don't..  


Now that I've tried on the outfit, the leggings fit (they are a size XXL in Aerie by American Eagle) and the tunic top is cute (it's an XXL in Mark by Avon).. It works out really cute.. and the tunic is gonna last a while because the bottom of it is still a little snug around my lower belly..  :)

chopped my head off bc I don't have any makeup on or my hair fixed.. lol


Okay, now onto the TMI of my post today..  So Trisha's hubby, close your eyes.. lol

I have dealt with body acne, as I'm sure we all have, throughout my life.. I have that arm crap from "sweat getting trapped by clothing after working out" or whatever causes it.. I have the little bumps that pop up randomly.. but my biggest problem is butt acne.. lmao (pun not intentionally added)..

And wanna hear the weird part about butt acne??  It gets SO MUCH BETTER when I eat healthy!  Who knew your body would look better when you eat better!?  ;)   Just writing about this is making me giggle..

Okay, end of the TMI part..


As Adam Sandler says, Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah!  ;)


  1. Hehe. Butt Acne. Not making fun. Just laughing because it's a funny word. :-)

    Looking very cute in that outfit!! My mom was doing the same thing for me with clothes. I was very insistent with her, and she kind of just left it alone. I do feel bad, but I didn't know what else to do. :-/

  2. The outfit looks very cute on you! And I LOVE the colour!

    They must be sized smaller though because there's no way you look like an XXL in them... plus I am wearing XL and L stuff and we are about the same weight (though maybe clothing sizes are a little different in Canada? I'm not sure).

    And LOL re: your TMI!

  3. LOVE the outfit!
    How about bra rub? After I go on a decent size run I get really bad sweat, chafing under my boobs...after my 1/2 marathon it was so raw I had to take my bra off in the car for the 4 hour ride home, my son was less than enthralled.
    Have a great holiday.

  4. That's a toughie. It's so hard not to come off as ungrateful but at the same time, if you don't risk it, it's really just a waste of money.

    Ah Butt acne. I have trouble with my face and I think I'd rather have it on my ass because then only I would see it and even then, "seeing it" would have to be strategic. Bahahah!!!! I remember once I couldn't figure out why one spot on my butt felt bruised so I get out of the shower, grab a mirror and expect to see a blue bruise but I saw a giant zit!! Right away I had to call my friend and we busted out laughing as soon as I said "Ummm soooo I have this giant pimple on my butt . . . "

    I bet my face would clear up if I ate way better. Ugh. I'm 37 and I still wrestle with this! I don't know what to fight, acne or wrinkles!!!

    Ah well, it's late, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  5. I love your tunic! I think AERIE makes the most comfy work out clothes, even though I don't work out they are amazing to lay around in - ha!

    I rarely get any zits. I think its has been high school since I've really broken out with any. I'm opposite with VERY dry skin. So although I don't get zits of any kind, my skin is unbearably dry in the winter. I am like an old lady with tons of lotion in my purse, on my nightstand and in my living room. I actually use a Neutrogena grapefruit body scrub that I think is for acne, but it works really good for getting all the dry skin off my. It was really inexpensive at Target.

  6. I didn't know what TMI meant so obviously I had to read on to try and work it out and then I read about butt acne and worked out what TMI meant.

    Yes. I agree. T.M.I! LOL
