Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekend from Hell..

Okay, so this weekend has been a doozy.. and a bad one at that..

I didn't get to go to the grocery store at all in the past 3 days.. and I've made not-so-good food choices these past two days.. ugh!  Like today, I didn't eat a good breakfast, wasn't hungry for lunch, and then proceeded to eat 4 pieces of pizza!  WTF?!  When am I gonna get it in my head that 1.) I can't eat that many pieces of pizza anymore (I wanted to vomit I was so sick from eating too much) and 2.) that I shouldn't WANT to eat that many pieces of pizza!! 

I just wish I could figure this work/diet thing out.. I'm good when I'm home.. but right now, I'm HARDLY home.. I mean, I bought a bag of chicken breasts.. TWO WEEKS AGO!  And they haven't been touched.. :(

I'm thinking I'm gonna have a talk with my mom and tell her not to fix me food anymore.. this way I make sure I have no excuses.. and I'm going to have to start packing my lunch and denying my clients making me lunches/dinners..

I will say that this next week will be a crappy one, exercise-wise.. With the holidays right down the road, I know I won't have the time to make it to the gym and still get everything done that I need to get done.. so I'm taking the week off from the gym.. but not from exercising.. I plan to do my Wii games that I have as much as I can.. because while I'm baking goodies (for other people), I can do my Just Dance game during baking.. lol

I am TERRIFIED that I'm going to re-gain the 2 lbs I lost last week.. but I am going to the grocery tomorrow after work, and I plan to load up on fruits and veggies.. and so I don't forget to eat them (which happens often to me), I'm going to make sure to chop (or whatever) them up and portion them out as soon as I get home.. because half my excuse is not having them at hand..

I'm so tired right now, from all the crappiness that's gone on.. lol.. so I'm going to go lay in bed and watch this Made episode that I DVR'd earlier.. I'll blog about that tomorrow.. because it's interesting..


  1. You are doing so awesome and it's great that you recognise what changes need to be made.

    Try washing all the chicken breast. Pat it dry with paper towels. Lay on a foil covered cookie sheet.Add a bit of oive Oil and salt and pepper. Bake in the over for about 20 minutes.
    You then have chicken breast to grab for lunch, dinner or snacks. Do this once a week and you are set all week long. It's great to add to stir frys, salads etc.

  2. I agree with Renea above on the chicken breast. My Mom gave me a similar tip and I've made them into a wrap, a salad, thrown some on some pasta, and just plain warmed them up with some brown rice and veggies. I've also purchased the already prepared fruit packs, as well as made my own into little zip lock bags. The prepackaged ones can get expensive, but its cheaper then eating out. You'll find your food groove, promise.

    What MADE did you DVR? I love that show!

  3. You've recognized you were slipping and you are getting on top of the situation.

    That's a positive!
