Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow day!! **UPDATED**

Woohoo!  So today was a snow day for my whole family it seemed.. lol.. my dad got called off work, I called in to work.. and my mom was off work.. so we all just kinda hung out in the house.. :)

the view from my window..
I got all sorts of things done today.. Cleaned my room, labeled Christmas presents, fixed up my "motivation wall", and I'm getting ready to work on Christmas cards (I make my own, most years.. lol)..  I made sure to take pics, OF COURSE.. hehe

My motivation wall.. with my pretty poster, my signs that I've made over the past few months, and pics.. I've already looked up at it like 5 times..  :)

My food has been pretty good today, as this med I'm on for my ADHD depresses my appetite.. So tonight I plan to eat some protein again, but I had 1/2 a polish sausage, a lot of cabbage (I <3 cabbage) and a little mac n cheese.. then had another small bowl of mac n cheese about an hour ago..  I know, bad.. I'm working on it.. :)

Now off I go to catch up on all the blogs I've missed out on today..

I totally forgot to post my award I won from Kati @ The Great Balancing Act of a 24 Year Old.. Sorry.. I love getting awards.. She gave me an award called the Honest Scrap award.. I now have to tell you 10 honest things about myself (even though I've poured my heart out in my previous entry.. lol)..  :)

1.  Like Mrs. Kati, I have 2 HUGE tubs of Beanie Babies in my storage unit.. I always say they are for my future children's college fund.. lmao
2.  I still call my parents Momma and Daddy.. usually when I want something, or am feeling sad, but still..
3.  I still have clothes in my closet that are from high school.. and I actually still wear some of them.. eek!
4.  I am TERRIFIED of becoming addicted to anything.. pills, alcohol, games, people.. ANYTHING!
5.  I really don't want to go to my 10 year reunion.. I have no desire to see most of the people that will be there..
6.  I have high expectations for my friends (and they don't know about them).. and am let down constantly.. this is something I want to change, but can't seem to..
7.  I think I am seriously becoming my mother.. our tastes are strangely similar.. and I'm starting to like flowers more and more.. yikes!!
8.  I'm afraid of my mom dying.. if something happened to her, our (me and my dad's) world would fall apart.. I wish she'd take her health more serious..
9.  I was born with a cleft lip.. I'm thankful it wasn't worse than it was.. and that I had WONDERFUL surgeons..
10.  I like pink, purple and black.. but all through high school, I was your typical tomboy.. I lived in blues and grays.. and didn't like makeup or doing my hair.. I got girlie as soon as I graduated.. lol



    Our streak of thinking alike ends tonight, just like Brett Favre! :o)

  2. Pink is my favorite color.. lol

  3. I was going to say the same thing! That is a LOT of pink!!
