Monday, December 6, 2010

Blah, blah, blah, blah..

hehe.. I couldn't figure out what to put as a title to emphasize my writer's block is gone.. :)

but I think last night I was SO tired.. from all the crap of the past week.. so I crashed at 9:30pm.. I haven't been to bed THAT early in at least a week.. if not longer.. it was so nice!  until I woke up at 2 in the morning hungry.. lol

I went to my dad's den and grabbed a small handful of Buggles.. I <3 them so much, but it was a SMALL handfull.. then another.. :(   I will have to go grocery shopping soon, as I am SO out of any snack food for myself..  not cool.. i don't even have any Fiber Plus bars, which I love!!

So I've been reading this book called Eat Up, Slim Down.. and it says to weigh yourself every day.. and while I've seen some bloggers I follow do this, I was just not sure how productive it would be.. but I figure it couldn't HURT me to make sure I'm not totally gaining the whole week leading up to my WI on Friday.. so I weighed in this morning, and found that I'd gained a little (can't remember the number.. I erased it from my memory.. lol).. so I'm drinking my water, took my Paxil and my MV.. and I'm coming to some conclusions..

I need to make this journey as important as my job..
** I can talk myself out of going to the gym in the AM, but I would never try to do that (more than hitting the snooze button) with my job **
I enjoy exercising, after I've finished.. 
** I need to remember that to get through the beginning.. again with the first part.. **
I CAN do this, I just can't expect it to all come off today..
** I have to keep in my head that it took me YEARS to put it on, and it's gonna take me a while (hopefully not YEARS) to take it off.. **

So, on that note, I am not going to MY Zumba class today.. I'm going to join Katie at LAC for hers.. gotta see if my class is just the shit, or if it's just Zumba in general.. ;)


  1. It's the truth, we have to make ourselves a priority. Have fun at Zumba!

  2. I haven't found a Zumba class I did not love! Thankfully after the holidays the gym near me will have it on a schedule I can work with! Shake it tonight! ;)

  3. I wish you the best of luck with weighing in everyday... I personally do not see how it can help, when your body changes so much... from water... potty business...and what not... And yay for Zumba!!! :)

  4. Everyone has their own preferences in terms of how often they weigh. Each (daily, weekly, etc.) has its benefits.

    Personally, I weigh every morning because I find that it helps keep me in check, especially on the weekends. There have been times when I've let myself slip multiple times on the weekend by mentally adding calories, saying to myself, "There is no way this is 7,000 calories. There is no way I'm going to be 2 lbs. heavier on Monday morning." However, if I see it on the scale throughout the weekend, it helps me evaluate my choices better. Just my personal take. Always do what works best for you!

  5. It took me a while to make myself {well, my weight loss} a priority in life. I honestly think it effects more than just my physical health. I can't wait to hear how check in on your weight daily works for you!
