Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st of December and 1st Snow..

Good gravy, really?!  Is it already the 1st of December?!  Now I gotta start a Christmas countdown.. :)  But the surprising thing is that we, in Southern Indiana, are getting snow flurries!!  I'm kinda on the fence about this.. yeah, I love snow.. I love the look, I love the weather that (usually) accompanies it.. I HATE driving in it.. wanna know why?!  Because my POS truck is a rear-wheel drive truck.. And I am not one to go slow for anything.. and this snow makes me have to go slow.. :(

So we'll see how much sticks to the ground (hoping for none) and how late this makes me.. lol.. oh, and thanks for all the good comments on my last entry.. I hope you all are right, and that it doesn't take long.. lol.. I'm thinkin I'm not cut out for hard core dating.. We'll see though..

** UPDATED ON 8:34 AM **
So (Just) Trying is for Little Girls is doing a great giveaway.. and while one of the entries was to plug this on my blog, I'm actually pleased to do so, because the product sounds awesome!  Feel free to check her out at the above address, and sign up yourself.. It's so easy, and for such a cool prize, ya can't beat doing so little.. :)


  1. Slooooooooooooow in the snow. Whats the hurry anyways?? ;) Work!? Bah!! Boring!! lol!! Wishing you luck though... I'd be terrified to drive in snow.

  2. Sitting here in Northern Indiana it doesn't look much better. We get all of the lake effect snow from Lake Michigan, too.....and it's only 21 degrees!! I'm amazed at how Hoosiers simply 'forget' how to drive in the snow, but everyone is driving like a bat out of hell today and I'm glad to be home!
