Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I LOVE LAC!! and awards, of course!!

Okay, so I'm in love with Louisville Athletic Club.. honestly, I can't imagine doing what I did today at the Y I used to go to..  I have got to take pics, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to.. lol.. I'll just poach them off their website..

They have this wall there.. it's got 12 different TV's on 12 different channels.. It's like the couch potatoes virtual heaven!!  

So I got on at 6pm, and to my amazement, Cash Cab came on!! I <3 that show.. so I walked my warm up, then ran for 20 minutes straight!!  I was amazed, to say the least, that I lasted that long running.. and I only stopped because my leg started hurting.. not because of my usual wheezing that I have at the Y.. something I was seriously wondering about.. maybe I found a good pace to start running longer at.. hmm.. YAY!!

So then I had my fitness eval with a personal trainer at LAC.. kinda stupid, but hey, he showed me some of the machines.. had me do that thing where you sit against the wall with a weighted ball between your legs (HOLY HELL, that's hard!!).. then I went to Zumba with my girl Katie.. btw, I'd been at the gym for 1 1/2 hours by this time.. :)    I don't think that's ever happened before.. lol..  so Zumba was kick ass too! 

Oh, did I mention that SOMEHOW I left my house today with NO contacts or glasses.. lmao.. I am near-sighted.. whatever it means that I can't see far away.. lol.. so I drove with blurry vision, watched Cash Cab with blurry vision.. ugh!  I hate squinting (It's so unattractive.. hehe)..

And last, but certainly not least, Trisha over at Crazy Little Thing Called LIFE gave me an award!!  I <3 awards.. and I <3 the people that give them (especially to me.. lol)

and I love what she said when she nominated me..  Sarah with My FAB Challenge is a total doll!! Her blog is real, dramatic, and funny!
So now, I have to nominate five fellow bloggers, and let them know on their blogs.. and without any further ado, here we go:

Bluebeari @ Shrinking Bluebeari... I love reading her escapades with hiking, watching her pumping iron, and loving that I will finally get to meet her cute self soon!  :)

FAB @ Fat-Angry Blogger... I love reading about her life.. her kids, her weight loss, even her BM's.. and love that she doesn't really give a IT about what she writes.. :)

Tim @ Fat.Boy.Thin...  I'm new to following his blog, but I love reading about his kitchen "tries".. and love the way he writes, because he's from across the pond..  :)
Sabrina @ Sabrina is on the move!... We have decided that we are twins seperated at birth.. lol.. We always seem to be on the same brain wave.. blogging about the same thing, generally at the same time.. It's freaky cool!  I actually love reading her blog so much..  :)

Kati @ The Great Balancing Act...  She's a wonderfully inspiring blogger.. All of her entries are interesting because they have some kind of information for us WW girls.. I especially love her life stories.. :)

Sorry, I'm done now.. lol.. I'm going to bed.. :)

Good night, lovelies!!


  1. That is amazing what you got done at the gym! I always found it easier when there was something good to watch!

    Congrats on your award!j

  2. Thanks for your kind words! I will get on this ASAP, twin! :o)

  3. Thank you, Sarah!!! I appreciate it :)

    So do I need to nominate 5 bloggers?

  4. Wow..that's so much gym time! The TV wall looks awesome. It would have been handy for me yesterday when I forgot my headphones. LOL

  5. Thanks baby cakes!!! I love awards...makes me :)

    And that gym...is nothing short of AWESOME!!

  6. Thanks for the award Sarah! I really do appreciate it when somebody acknowledges my blog!!
