Friday, December 17, 2010

Weigh In Day!!

Alrighty, so today is the day!  Today is weigh-in day!  And I'm actually looking forward to it, because while I didn't track too well, I made good food decisions during the week.. :)

227.6 lbs

That is what the scale said this morning!  I was so excited!  I lost those dreaded 2 lbs that have been hanging on for the past 2 weeks.. :)   I've got to find some kind of balance.. between exercising every day and not exercising at all (which is what happened this week unfortunately).. but that's what I plan to do these next 7 days..  I'm so happy!  lol..

This is just gonna be a quick post, as I have so much to do today.. work, then shopping in Indianapolis.. but I promise to post those pics later tonight.. me and my dad have been sharing a computer mouse (weird, i know) because his finally bit the dust.. 

Happy Friday!


  1. Yay!!! I bet seeing the scale and those damn two pounds gone just made you the happiest girl this morning!! happy dance!!!!

  2. Great job on the 2 pound loss Sarah! Send those skinny vibes my way!

  3. Congrats on those 2 pounds..2 is always a good number ( ;

  4. That's great! Maybe you should get him a mouse for Christmas!

  5. Congratulations! Keep at it! :)

    Following you!
