Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well, here we go..

Failure is NO LONGER an option!!

I have this theory about myself: I know I'm going to let myself down, so why try hard when I'm going to fail anyways.. and this theory is HORRIBLE!!  And it changes today.. I have this post-it on my computer screen, since I sit here too long everyday anyways.. was somewhere I thought I'd see it all the time and start to believe it.. wanna see it??

It says 'You are Worth It!'.. Yeah, so this didn't work too well (obviously!!).. even after taping it to my screen, because it kept falling off.. lol.. so I'm changing up my game plan.. my issue seems to be confusion about what goes on at what time/day.. so I'm making it dummy-proof..  I carry a planner with me, 24/7.. I have to or I forget important things (and important people).. gotta love my sense of time.. or the lack of it.. lol.. so I decided to do this to my planner..

The pink is for the Shred Challenge I plan to restart (with gusto) tomorrow.. the blue is for "normal" Zumba classes at 6:20p.. and the purple is for the Zumba Tone & Sculpt, I fell in love with it last week, at 6:20p..

This hopefully will help me to not have the excuse of not knowing what class is going on on which day/time.. and while I am not sure if I'll make it to all of those classes, I am gonna do my damnest to go as often as possible.. but I have to learn how to balance life and exercise.. so who knows.. ;)

Oh, and I was reading on someone else's blog (sorry I can't remember who it is), but they were thinking of going on their anti-depressants for the holidays.. and I'm thinking I'm going to go back on them for the winter.. I really do think that Seasonal Affective Disorder is something I suffer from.. so I'm going back on my Paxil (at the lesser dose I started on) and we'll see if it helps me get my ass out of bed before 11:30 am.. that's starting tomorrow..  I plan to keep on it until the end of the year, because I know it's effects won't be stable til 2 or 3 weeks in..

No workout today, as I am pooped.. :(   I can't wait to get that poster.. because I know seeing that 24/7/365 will totally get my ass out of my chair more often.. even if it's to do squats while typing.. hehe


  1. You are worth it.

    Putting workouts in the planner is a REALLY good idea. I plan like a crazy insane OCD woman, but I really think it's the only way I can keep myself ON plan. And most of the time it works!

  2. There are little things that I do to keep myslef motivated. I have my goal jeans hung on my wall..I also have a goal string hanging over my apron in the kitchen..Belive it or not they keep me motivated..Even when I dont think I am capable of doing somthing I surprise myslef all the time. I just get up and do it and usually when I dont want to and always so glad I did..Keep it up girl! We can ALL do this!

  3. Good idea on using your planner, I found when I was working it really helped me using my calendar.

    Have you even tried using a special light for SAD?

  4. actually, i haven't.. never actually heard about it.. may have to look that up.. lol

  5. you are so adorable! I love your blog posts!

  6. Sarah!!! That's it. I'm starting Shred tomorrow too. I keep telling myself I will do it or I come too late to a "Shred Party" and then Instead of jumping in, I say "oh well, i missed it". Pfft, way to procrastinate!

    Hehehe - I talked about going on my anti-depressants for the next few months to get me over the hump but that's more MAD (Mother Affective Disorder) than SAD. Bahahaha! Thank goodness for my sense of humor!!

    SHRED SHRED SHRED! Oh and I just got my work planner in and I'm going to use it for my exercise and possible a meal plan. So glad I checked blogger before calling it a night.

  7. Might be a silly question but whats the shred challenge? LOL

  8. Great attitude!!!

    I just found your blog. I look forward to following your progress!!

    Keep focused!

  9. This post SO goes along with what I'm trying to do for the new year. I don't always follow through with challenges, but for 2011 I'm determined to think differently about myself and have a better attitude. I hope I can pull it off because I put the whole thing 'out there' for everyone else to see. I'm backed into a corner now, so I've got to succeed! lol

  10. I love anything that involves getting organized! I would be a mess without my planner and spreadsheets.
