Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Negative Nancy's (and Ned's) of the World..


lol.. glad I got that off my chest.. I'm getting so sick of all the negativity I see in the world.. on the Internet.. on people's blogs.. I get that criticism is supposed to help people (in theory).. but really, there has got to be a more gentle way to say certain things..

I was taught as a child, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".. I think most of us (in my generation) were.. and while it has evolved as I grew up, I still would never say something mean to someone's face.. yes, I blab about certain things behind people's backs.. anyone who says they don't is LYING!!  We all bitch and moan, and most of us just need to get it out of our heads.. which is to say that we have NO intention of hurting anyone's feelings by telling them, and that once we have said _______________ it gets forgotten about..

I just saw someone post on someone's FB status about how WW is crap and it doesn't work.. and then the same someone later posted that the reason it's so expensive is because of the books.. WTF?!  I hate people who don't know what the hell they are talking about.. and of course, I responded.. I couldn't help it..

*****, the program has changed.. your books are useless now.. 
and they aren't that expensive anymore.. 
btw, everyone needs to stop being so negative.. 
***** is trying to change her life.. not yours!
I get that coddling isn't necessarily the way to succeed at weight loss.. but I am not going to be mean to a person because they had a bad week/weigh in/day/etc.. They know that they did bad at SOMETHING.. no need to rub their faces in it.. 
Okay, I'm done.. for now.. lol
One of my new goals is to start and finish my closet organization.. and basically, I need to buy metal shelving to put up, and reorganize all the CRAP I have stashed away.. lmao.. so to start the goal off, I bought some red totes (courtesy of Christmas.. lol) and put some of my excessive stuff (aka purses and picture frames) in them.. 
I plan to get a little bit at a time, so I don't totally make myself broke with this endeavor.. and throw out crap I don't use anymore.. or that I THINK I MAY use EVENTUALLY (we all have these things, don't we?!).. 
Obviously, this isn't going to be used anymore.. and I WON'T give broken things to Goodwill.. trash pile, here it comes.. lol

I love donating to Goodwill.. almost as much as I love shopping there.. lol.. this is only a little of what I plan to give to them..
I can't believe I found this shirt.. I got this shirt in South Carolina, when my brother graduated from boot camp in the Summer of 2003.. it was tight in the chest, but STILL!  I was SO excited to wear it.. did I mention that it's a YOUTH LARGE?!  Yeah, I figured you'd be excited too.. lol.. 

You can't see how small it is in the first pic, but in comparison to my current shirt size, Women's XL, you can.. lol.. And I can honestly say that I don't want that shirt to fit again.. I like my boobs the size they are.. hehe.. so it's going into storage, as it has so much meaning to me.. :)

Well, I'm off to go cook some chicken.. :)   OH!  Tonight is the premier of I Used To Be Fat on MTV.. I'm DVRing it, but I hope to watch it all so I can be inspired.. :)   And I finally added my newer goals to my goals page.. Check em out.. let me know what ya think, either on a post here or by email.. and by all means, steal my ideas.. lol


  1. I have a 'FRIEND' that is very negative about Weight Watchers and criticizes it even as I'm talking about how much success I'm having on it. 'All they're in it for is the money, etc etc'. My answer to that is .... I DON'T CARE. They're a business!! They're allowed to want to make money. Guess what? Their product still works! How much money have I wasted in my life on things I thought would make me lose weight??? At least the money I pay to weight watchers ends with results! lol. I get very ranty about that also. :-)

    I am def in need of a declutter too. I started this declutter challenge awhile ago where I threw out, donated, or sold one item every day. It was supposed to last for a year but I only did it for a couple of months. I should do that again.....

  2. I completely agree!! I really think people who are negative just try to bring other down to their depressing level. It is really sad that some people feel it is needed to be mean to get the point across... Bambi's mom, would beat that crap outta them!! ;)

    PS... If you ever make a trip to AZ... I would totally love an organized closet!! ;)

  3. Hey!! I can come straighten things up in there for you!! It's my thang... ;)

  4. I'm with you on so many levels! I deleted a few blogs from my blog roll today. I don't need it, it just gets me irritated to read all the he said, she said, she said, he said, we don't know who said and frankly, I'm here to lose weight, make some online friends who are trying to do the same and have a little fun doing it.

    Closet goal . . . Oh yeah, it's on my list. Start & finish my closet organization and by the end of 2011, I want a closet filled with clothes in one size, the size that fits. I don't want 12 pairs of jeans spread over 4 different sizes!!

    Hmmm . . . goals page, that's a good idea. Consider it stolen, borrowed, no STOLEN! hahahaha!

  5. OMG, why can't we live near each other?! I am obsessed with closet organization. I just want to jump through my screen and go crazy on your closet! I mean that nice of course! <3

    I am excited for the MTV premier tonight too! Can't wait to hear your thoughts.
