Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Been in Hiding..

Well, I feel horrible.. I haven't been posting on here at all in the past 3 days.. and I totally left my 12 Days of Christmas Partner in the dust (so to speak), because I haven't posted how much I LOVE her gifts..

Right now I'm at work, and my plan is to catch up with all my bloggy friends tonight and post all the pics of what's been going on in my world.. I've been doing really good, I think, with my food.. I haven't been tracking, but I do pay attention to what and how much I am eating.. and I have NOT been to the gym.. I miss it so much!  I can't wait to get this week over.. as sad as that sounds, it's true.. I feel like I haven't been able to stick to a normal schedule this past week.. actually, more like 2 weeks if I think about it..

And it has everything to do with my lack of UMPH in the morning.. I'd be blogging daily still if I could get up early enough to sit there long enough to get stuff done.. lol

OH!  One of my friends, well more like a work momma to me, is new to blogging.. and I'm so proud of her for putting herself out in this world, because we all know how much guts it takes to take the plunge into weight loss blogging..  so if ya want a new follower and a new blog to follow, check hers out..  (I'll post the link later.. the computer I'm on isn't letting me do the "link" thing)..


  1. Welcome back..This week is crazy for everyone!
    I think everyone is on a mini break from excersise.
    Have a great Christmas!

  2. I like following new bloggers - remind me when you post her link :)

  3. I was just thinking about you today... hadn't seen any new posts. :) Glad to here you're still hanging in there!

  4. I know how you feel! I feel blah at the moment as well, haven't been tracking or making it to the gym. It's good to know that we aren't alone in this journey especially when it gets tough. Hang in there and have a very Merry Christmas.
